Michel Rejani Miyazaki
Michel Rejani Miyazaki
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Marine vessel and power plant system simulator
TI Bø, AR Dahl, TA Johansen, E Mathiesen, MR Miyazaki, E Pedersen, ...
IEEE Access 3, 2065-2079, 2015
Toward safer, smarter, and greener ships: Using hybrid marine power plants
AJ Sorensen, R Skjetne, T Bo, MR Miyazaki, TA Johansen, IB Utne, ...
IEEE Electrification Magazine 5 (3), 68-73, 2017
Reduction of fuel consumption on hybrid marine power plants by strategic loading with energy storage devices
MR Miyazaki, AJ Sørensen, BJ Vartdal
IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal 3 (4), 207-217, 2016
Hybrid modeling of strategic loading of a marine hybrid power plant with experimental validation
MR Miyazaki, AJ Sørensen, N Lefebvre, KK Yum, E Pedersen
IEEE Access 4, 8793-8804, 2016
HMD as a new tool for telepresence in underwater operations and closed-loop control of ROVs
M Candeloro, E Valle, MR Miyazaki, R Skjetne, M Ludvigsen, ...
OCEANS 2015-MTS/IEEE Washington, 1-8, 2015
Real-time marine vessel and power plant simulation
TI Bø, TA Johansen, AR Dahl, MR Miyazaki, E Pedersen, B Rokseth, ...
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 56475 …, 2015
Hybrid marine power plants model validation with strategic loading
MR Miyazaki, AJ Sørensen, BJ Vartdal
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (23), 400-407, 2016
Minimum energy DP heading control: Critical analysis and comparison of different strategies
MR Miyazaki, EA Tannuri, AC de Oliveira
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 55317 …, 2013
A general approach for DP weathervane control: experimental results
MR Miyazaki, EA Tannuri
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (27), 61-66, 2012
A General Approach for DP Weathervane Control: Numerical Results
M Miyazaki, E Tannuri
A general approach for dynamic positioning weathervane control
MR Miyazaki, EA Tannuri
Marine Technology Society Journal 47 (2), 31-42, 2013
A general approach for DP weathervane control
MR Miyazaki, EA Tannuri
Dynamic Positioning Conference, Houston, 2012
Modeling and control of hybrid marine power plants
MR Miyazaki
NTNU, 2017
Design and Operation of an Offshore Support Vessel
S Torben, M Jongh, P Macedo, L Husdal, B Vik, MR Miyazaki, ...
A Holistic Approach to Ship Design: Volume 2: Application Case Studies, 47-90, 2021
Nonlinear Droop Load Sharing to Minimize Gas Emissions and Fuel Consumption
M Rejani Miyazaki, AJ Sørensen
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 57786 …, 2017
Hybrid modeling of strategic loading of a marine hybrid power plant with experimental validation
M Rejani Miyazaki, AJ Sørensen, N Lefebvre, K Yum, E Pedersen
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016
Hybrid marine power plants model validation with strategic loading
M Rejani Miyazaki, AJ Sørensen, BJ Vartdal
Elsevier, 2016
Desenvolvimento de sistema de posicionamento dinâmico com aproamento automático.
MR Miyazaki
Universidade de São Paulo, 2013
Oil Transfer Between DP Shuttle and Conventional Tankers in Tandem Configuration: A Numerical Evaluation of Alternatives
EA Tannuri, HM Morishita, MR Miyazaki, L Moratelli Jr, RML Madureira
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 44885 …, 2012
Simulador virtual treina operadores de navios petroleiros
EA Tannuri, CH Fucatu, HS Makiyama, F Rateiro, D Taniguchi, LI Abe, ...
Universidade de São Paulo (USP), 2012
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