Imre Fekete
Imre Fekete
Assistant Professor of Numerical Analysis, Eötvös Loránd University
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Embedded pairs for optimal explicit strong stability preserving Runge–Kutta methods
I Fekete, S Conde, JN Shadid
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 412 (114325), 2022
On the zero-stability of multistep methods on smooth nonuniform grids
G Söderlind, I Fekete, I Faragó
BIT Numerical Mathematics 58 (4), 1125-1143, 2018
Local error estimation and step size control in adaptive linear multistep methods
C Arévalo, G Söderlind, Y Hadjimichael, I Fekete
Numerical Algorithms 86, 537–563, 2021
Notes on the basic notions in nonlinear numerical analysis
I Faragó, ME Mincsovics, I Fekete
Proc. 9th Coll. QTDE 6, 1-22, 2012
Stability concepts and their applications
I Fekete, I Faragó
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 67 (12), 2158-2170, 2014
Linear multistep methods and global Richardson extrapolation
I Fekete, L Lóczi
Applied Mathematics Letters 133, 108267, 2022
N-stability of the -method for reaction-diffusion problems
I Fekete, I Faragó
Miskolc Mathematical Notes 15 (2), 447-458, 2014
Positivity for convective semi-discretizations
I Fekete, DI Ketcheson, L Lóczi
Journal of Scientific Computing 74, 244-266, 2018
T-stability of general one-step methods for abstract initial-value problems
I Faragó, I Fekete
The Open Mathematics Journal 6 (1), 2013
A Functional Approach to Interpreting the Role of the Adjoint Equation in Machine Learning
I Fekete, A Molnár, PL Simon
Results in Mathematics 79 (1), 43, 2024
Some embedded pairs for optimal implicit strong stability preserving Runge–Kutta methods
I Fekete, Á Horváth
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018, 359-364, 2019
Numerical stability for nonlinear evolution equations
P Csomós, I Faragó, I Fekete
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 70 (11), 2752–2761, 2015
Operator Semigroups for Convergence Analysis
P Csomós, I Faragó, I Fekete
Finite Difference Methods, Theory and Applications, 38-49, 2015
A stability approach for reaction-diffusion problems
I Fekete, I Faragó
2013 IEEE 8th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence …, 2013
Runge–Kutta–Möbius methods
A Molnár, I Fekete, G Söderlind
Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 87 (1), 167-181, 2023
Linear multistep methods with repeated global Richardson
I Fekete, L Lóczi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.01345, 2023
Numerical Methods for Advanced Scientific Models:: Editorial Introduction
Z Zlatev, P D’Ambra, I Faragó, I Fekete
Learning a function from data by solving a differential equation and tuning its parameters
A Molnár, I Fekete, PL Simon
Learning the Parameters of a Differential Equation from its Trajectory Via the Adjoint Equation
PL Simon, I Fekete, A Molnár
Available at SSRN 4132270, 0
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