Vandenberghe Christian
Vandenberghe Christian
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Perceived supervisor support: Contributions to perceived organizational support and employee retention
R Eisenberger, F Stinglhamber, C Vandenberghe, I Sucharski, L Rhoades
Journal of Applied Psychology 87 (3), 565-573, 2002
Employee commitment and motivation: a conceptual analysis and integrative model.
JP Meyer, TE Becker, C Vandenberghe
Journal of applied psychology 89 (6), 991, 2004
Organizations and supervisors as sources of support and targets of commitment: A longitudinal study
F Stinglhamber, C Vandenberghe
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2003
Affective commitment to the organization, supervisor, and work group: Antecedents and outcomes
C Vandenberghe, K Bentein, F Stinglhamber
Journal of vocational behavior 64 (1), 47-71, 2004
Leadership, organizational stress, and emotional exhaustion among hospital nursing staff
S Stordeur, W D'hoore, C Vandenberghe
Journal of advanced nursing 35 (4), 533-542, 2001
The role of change in the relationship between commitment and turnover: a latent growth modeling approach.
K Bentein, C Vandenberghe, R Vandenberg, F Stinglhamber
Journal of applied psychology 90 (3), 468, 2005
Perceived organizational support, organizational commitment and psychological well-being: A longitudinal study
A Panaccio, C Vandenberghe
Journal of vocational behavior 75 (2), 224-236, 2009
The role of pay satisfaction and organizational commitment in turnover intentions: A two-sample study
C Vandenberghe, M Tremblay
Journal of Business and psychology 22 (3), 275-286, 2008
Organizational culture, person–culture fit, and turnover: A replication in the health care industry
C Vandenberghe
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 1999
The role of HRM practices, procedural justice, organizational support and trust in organizational commitment and in-role and extra-role performance
M Tremblay, J Cloutier, G Simard, D Chênevert, C Vandenberghe
The international journal of human resource management 21 (3), 405-433, 2010
A multilevel model of transformational leadership and adaptive performance and the moderating role of climate for innovation
A Charbonnier-Voirin, A El Akremi, C Vandenberghe
Group & Organization Management 35 (6), 699-726, 2010
Extension of the Three-Component Model of Commitment to Five Foci: Development of measures and substantive test.
F Stinglhamber, K Bentein, C Vandenberghe
European journal of psychological assessment 18 (2), 123, 2002
Examination of the relationships between servant leadership, organizational commitment, and voice and antisocial behaviors
E Lapointe, C Vandenberghe
Journal of business ethics 148, 99-115, 2018
A closer look at the relationship between affective commitment to supervisors and organizations and turnover
C Vandenberghe, K Bentein
Journal of Occupational and organizational psychology 82 (2), 331-348, 2009
An examination of the role of perceived support and employee commitment in employee-customer encounters.
C Vandenberghe, K Bentein, R Michon, JC Chebat, M Tremblay, JF Fils
Journal of applied psychology 92 (4), 1177, 2007
Five-factor model of personality and organizational commitment: The mediating role of positive and negative affective states
A Panaccio, C Vandenberghe
Journal of vocational behavior 80 (3), 647-658, 2012
Commitment profiles and employee turnover
L Stanley, C Vandenberghe, R Vandenberg, K Bentein
Journal of vocational behavior 82 (3), 176-187, 2013
Examining the inverted U-shaped relationship between workload and innovative work behavior: The role of work engagement and mindfulness
F Montani, C Vandenberghe, A Khedhaouria, F Courcy
Human Relations 73 (1), 59-93, 2020
Assessing longitudinal change of and dynamic relationships among role stressors, job attitudes, turnover intention, and well‐being in neophyte newcomers
C Vandenberghe, A Panaccio, K Bentein, K Mignonac, P Roussel
Journal of Organizational Behavior 32 (4), 652-671, 2011
Perceived HRM practices, organizational commitment, and voluntary early retirement among late‐career managers
O Herrbach, K Mignonac, C Vandenberghe, A Negrini
Human resource management 48 (6), 895-915, 2009
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