Juan Gabriel Álvarez-González
Cited by
Cited by
Nutrient exports under different harvesting regimes in fast-growing forest plantations in southern Europe
A Merino, MA Balboa, RR Soalleiro, JGÁ González
Forest Ecology and Management 207 (3), 325-339, 2005
Stem taper functions for maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) in Galicia (Northwestern Spain)
A Rojo, X Perales, F Sánchez-Rodríguez, JG Alvarez-Gonzalez, K Gadow
European Journal of Forest Research 124, 177-186, 2005
Temporal variations and distribution of carbon stocks in aboveground biomass of radiata pine and maritime pine pure stands under different silvicultural alternatives
MA Balboa-Murias, R Rodríguez-Soalleiro, A Merino, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 237 (1-3), 29-38, 2006
A height-diameter model for Pinus radiata D. Don in Galicia (Northwest Spain)
CAL Sáncheza, JG Varela, FC Dorado, AR Alboreca, RR Soalleiro, ...
Annals of forest science 60 (3), 237-245, 2003
Compatible taper function for Scots pine plantations in northwestern Spain
U Diéguez-Aranda, F Castedo-Dorado, JG Álvarez-González, A Rojo
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (5), 1190-1205, 2006
Herramientas selvícolas para la gestión forestal sostenible en Galicia
U Diéguez-Aranda, AR Alboreca, F Castedo-Dorado, JÁ González, ...
Forestry 82, 1-16, 2009
Compatible height and site index models for five pine species in El Salto, Durango (Mexico)
JJC Rivas, JGÁ González, ADR González, K von Gadow
Forest Ecology and Management 201 (2-3), 145-160, 2004
Allometric equations for estimating biomass and carbon stocks in the temperate forests of North-Western Mexico
B Vargas-Larreta, CA López-Sánchez, JJ Corral-Rivas, ...
Forests 8 (8), 269, 2017
Evaluation of radiometric and atmospheric correction algorithms for aboveground forest biomass estimation using Landsat 5 TM data
PM López-Serrano, JJ Corral-Rivas, RA Díaz-Varela, ...
Remote sensing 8 (5), 369, 2016
Tablas de producción para los montes españoles
A Madrigal, JG Álvarez, R Rodríguez, A Rojo
Fundación Conde del Valle de Salazar. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros …, 1999
Development of a basal area growth system for maritime pine in northwestern Spain using the generalized algebraic difference approach
MB Anta, FC Dorado, U Diéguez-Aranda, JG Álvarez González, ...
Canadian journal of forest research 36 (6), 1461-1474, 2006
A growth model for Pinus radiata D. Don stands in north-western Spain
F Castedo-Dorado, U Diéguez-Aranda, JG Álvarez-González
Annals of Forest Science 64 (4), 453-465, 2007
Dynamic growth model for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) plantations in Galicia (north-western Spain)
U Diéguez-Aranda, FC Dorado, JGÁ González, AR Alboreca
Ecological Modelling 191 (2), 225-242, 2006
Site quality curves for birch stands in north-western Spain
U Diéguez-Aranda, JA Grandas-Arias, JG Álvarez-González, ...
Silva Fennica 40 (4), 631, 2006
Day-surgery laparoscopic cholecystectomy: factors influencing same-day discharge
J Psaila, S Agrawal, U Fountain, T Whitfield, B Murgatroyd, MF Dunsire, ...
World journal of surgery 32, 76-81, 2008
Modelización del crecimiento y la evolución de bosques
JG Álvarez González, K Gadow, P Real Hermosilla
IUFRO, 2001
A two-step mortality model for even-aged stands of Pinus radiata D. Don in Galicia (Northwestern Spain)
JGÁ González, FC Dorado, ADR González, CAL Sánchez, K von Gadow
Annals of Forest Science 61 (5), 439-448, 2004
A comparison of machine learning techniques applied to Landsat-5 TM spectral data for biomass estimation
PM López-Serrano, CA López-Sánchez, JG Álvarez-González, ...
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 42 (6), 690-705, 2016
Ecoregional site index models for Pinus pinaster in Galicia (northwestern Spain)
JGÁ González, ADR González, RR Soalleiro, MB Anta
Annals of Forest Science 62 (2), 115-127, 2005
A generalized height–diameter model with random coefficients for uneven-aged stands in El Salto, Durango (Mexico)
B Vargas-Larreta, F Castedo-Dorado, JG Álvarez-González, ...
Forestry 82 (4), 445-462, 2009
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Articles 1–20