Patrick Reisenthel
Patrick Reisenthel
Research Scientist, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
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The Dynamics of Low Initial Disturbance Turbulent Jets
RE Drubka, P Reisenthel, HM Nagib
Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993) 1 (10), 1723-1735, 1989
Development of a Nonlinear Indicial Model for Maneuvering Fighter Aircraft
PH Reisenthel
34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (AIAA 96-0896), 1996
Seeding of Helical Modes in the Initial Region of an Axisymmetric Jet
SM Kusek, TC Corke, P Reisenthel
Experiments in Fluids 10 (2-3), 116-124, 1990
Development of a Nonlinear Indicial Model Using Response Functions Generated by a Neural Network
PH Reisenthel
35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (AIAA 97-0337), 1997
On the Dynamical Scaling of Forced Unsteady Separated Flows
HM Nagib, PH Reisenthel, DJ Koga
AIAA Shear Flow Control Conference (AIAA-85-0553), 1985
Volterra Kernel Extrapolation for Modeling Nonlinear Aeroelastic Systems at Novel Flight Conditions
RJ Prazenica, PH Reisenthel, AJ Kurdila, MJ Brenner
Journal of Aircraft 44 (1), 149-162, 2007
Prediction of Unsteady Aerodynamic Forces Via Nonlinear Kernel Identification
PH Reisenthel
Presented at CEAS/AIAA/ICASE/NASA Langley International Forum on …, 1999
The Scaling and Control of Vortex Geometry Behind Pitching Cylinders
R Montividas, P Reisenthel, H Nagib
2nd Shear Flow Conference (AIAA 89-1003), 1989
Control of Separated Flowfields Using Forced Unsteadiness
DJ Koga, P Reisenthel, HM Nagib
Illinois Institute of Technology, 1984
Application of Multifidelity Expected Improvement Algorithms to Aeroelastic Design Optimization
PH Reisenthel, TT Allen
10th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Conference, AIAA SciTech …, 2014
Data-Based Aerodynamic Modeling Using Nonlinear Indicial Theory
PH Reisenthel, MT Bettencourt
37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (AIAA 99-0763), 1999
Control of Separated Flows Using Forced Unsteadiness
PH Reisenthel, HM Nagib, DJ Koga
AIAA Shear Flow Control Conference (AIAA 85-0556), 1985
Application of Nonlinear Indicial Modeling to the Prediction of a Dynamically Stalling Wing
PH Reisenthel
14th Applied Aerodynamics Conference (AIAA 96-2493), 1996
A Practical Approach for Calculating Aerodynamic Indicial Functions with a Navier-Stokes Solver
DJ Lesieutre, PH Reisenthel, MFE Dillenius
32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (AIAA 94-0059), 1994
A Nonlinear Indicial Prediction Tool for Unsteady Aerodynamic Modeling
PH Reisenthel, MT Bettencourt, JH Myatt, DS Grismer
23rd Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference (AIAA 98-4350), 1998
Extraction of Nonlinear Indicial and Critical State Responses from Experimental Data
PH Reisenthel, MT Bettencourt
37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (AIAA 99-0764), 1999
Innovative Fusion of Experiment and Analysis for Missile Design and Flight Simulation
PH Reisenthel, JF Love, DJ Lesieutre, MFE Dillenius
NATO-RTO Symposium on Innovative Missile Systems, Amsterdam, The Netherlands …, 2006
Hybrid Instability in an Axisymmetric Jet with Enhanced Feedback
PH Reisenthel
Illinois Institute of Technology, 1988
Control of Two and Three Dimensional Modes in the Initial Region of an Axisymmetric Jet
SM Kusek, TC Corke, P Reisenthel
2nd Shear Flow Conference (AIAA 89-968), 1989
Volterra Kernel Identification and Extrapolation for the F/A-18 Active Aeroelastic Wing
RJ Prazenica, PH Reisenthel, AJ Kurdila, MJ Brenner
Proceedings of the 45th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC structures, structural …, 2004
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