mark sommer
mark sommer
Austrian Institute for Economic Research
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Cited by
Cited by
The carbon footprint of European households and income distribution
M Sommer, K Kratena
Ecological Economics 136, 62-72, 2017
CO2 taxes, equity and the double dividend–Macroeconomic model simulations for Austria
M Kirchner, M Sommer, K Kratena, D Kletzan-Slamanig, C Kettner-Marx
Energy Policy 126, 295-314, 2019
Employment effects of renewable energy supply-a meta analysis
I Meyer, MW Sommer
Policy Paper 12, 2014
Foundations for an Ecological Macroeconomics: literature review and model development
T Jackson, B Drake, P Victor, K Kratena, M Sommer
WWWforEurope Working Paper, 2014
Uncertainty concepts for integrated modeling-Review and application for identifying uncertainties and uncertainty propagation pathways
M Kirchner, H Mitter, UA Schneider, M Sommer, K Falkner, E Schmid
Environmental Modelling & Software 135, 104905, 2021
Mittelfristige Beschäftigungsprognose für Österreich und die Bundesländer
M Fink, T Horvath, U Huemer, H Mahringer, M Sommer
Berufliche und sektorale Veränderungen 2020, 2013
FIDELIO 2: Overview and theoretical foundations of the second version of the Fully Interregional Dynamic Econometric Long-term Input-Output model for the EU-27
K Kratena, G Streicher, S Salotti, M Sommer, JMV Jaramillo
JRC Research Reports, 2017
Employment effects of renewable energy deployment-a review
I Meyer, MW Sommer
International Journal of Sustainable Development 19 (3), 217-245, 2016
Sustainability-oriented future EU funding: a European border carbon adjustment
A Krenek, M Sommer, M Schratzenstaller
Umeå universitet, 2018
CO2 tax scenarios for Austria: Impacts on household income groups, CO2 emissions, and the economy
M Kirchner, M Sommer, C Kettner-Marx, D Kletzan-Slamanig, K Köberl, ...
WIFO Working Papers, 2018
Consumption and production-based CO2 pricing policies: macroeconomic trade-offs and carbon leakage
M Sommer, K Kratena
Economic Systems Research 32 (1), 29-57, 2020
Policy implications of resource constraints on the European economy
K Kratena, M Sommer
WWWforEurope Policy Brief, 2014
A WTO-compatible Border Tax Adjustment for the ETS to Finance the EU Budget
A Krenek, M Sommer, M Schratzenstaller
WIFO Working Papers, 2020
Welche Zukunft für Energie und Klima
S Schleicher, A Köppl, M Sommer, S Lienin, M Treberspurg, ...
Folgenabschätzungen für Energie-und Klimastrategien–Zusammenfassende …, 2018
Model simulations of resource use scenarios for Europe
K Kratena, M Sommer
WWWforEurope Deliverable, 2014
Energy Scenarios 2050 for Austria
I Meyer, M Sommer, K Kratena
WIFO Studies, 2018
Lithium-Ionen-Batterien–Kreislaufwirtschaftliche Herausforderungen am Ende des Lebenszyklus und im Recycling
T Nigl, B Rutrecht, M Altendorfer, S Scherhaufer, I Meyer, M Sommer, ...
Berg Huettenmaenn Monatsh 166 (3), 144-149, 2021
Volkswirtschaftliche Effekte durch Recycling ausgewählter Altstoffe und Abfälle
I Meyer, M Sommer, K Kratena, M Tesar, C Neubauer
Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, 2016
Labour market policy and environmental fiscal devaluation: a cure for Spain in the aftermath of the great recession?
K Kratena, M Sommer
WIFO Working Papers, 2014
Energy scenarios 2030
K Kratena, I Meyer, MW Sommer
Model projections of energy demand as a basis to quantify Austria's …, 2013
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Articles 1–20