Andrew Golato
Cited by
Cited by
Lamb wave scattering by a symmetric pair of surface-breaking cracks in a plate
A Golato, R Demirli, S Santhanam
Wave Motion 51 (8), 1349-1363, 2014
Carcinoma cell identification via optical microscopy and shape feature analysis
A Chaddad, C Tanougast, A Golato, A Dandache
Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering 6 (11), 1029, 2013
Multimodal sparse reconstruction in guided wave imaging of defects in plates
A Golato, S Santhanam, F Ahmad, MG Amin
Journal of Electronic Imaging 25 (4), 043013-043013, 2016
Multimodal sparse reconstruction in Lamb wave-based structural health monitoring
A Golato, S Santhanam, F Ahmad, MG Amin
Compressive Sensing III 9109, 173-179, 2014
Multi-helical path exploitation in sparsity-based guided-wave imaging of defects in pipes
A Golato, F Ahmad, S Santhanam, MG Amin
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 37, 1-13, 2018
Multipath exploitation for enhanced defect imaging using Lamb waves
A Golato, F Ahmad, S Santhanam, MG Amin
NDT & E International 92, 1-9, 2017
Multimodal exploitation and sparse reconstruction for guided-wave structural health monitoring
A Golato, S Santhanam, F Ahmad, MG Amin
Compressive Sensing IV 9484, 180-186, 2015
Multi-path exploitation in a sparse reconstruction approachto lamb wave based structural health monitoring
A GOLATO, S Santhanam, F Ahmad, MG Amin
Structural Health Monitoring 2015, 2015
Multifrequency and multimodal sparse reconstruction in Lamb wave based structural health monitoring
A Golato, S Santhanam, F Ahmad, MG Amin
Structural Health Monitoring and Inspection of Advanced Materials, Aerospace …, 2015
Structural health monitoring exploiting MIMO ultrasonic sensing and group sparse Bayesian learning
Q Wu, YD Zhang, MG Amin, A Golato, F Ahmad, S Santhanam
2014 48th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1162-1166, 2014
Sparsity based defect imaging in pipes using guided waves
A Golato, S Santhanam, F Ahmad, MG Amin
Compressive Sensing V: From Diverse Modalities to Big Data Analytics 9857 …, 2016
Extended defect localization in sparsity-based guided wave structural health monitoring
A Golato, S Santhanam, F Ahmad, MG Amin
2017 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi …, 2017
Defect classification in sparsity-based structural health monitoring
A Golato, F Ahmad, S Santhanam, MG Amin
Compressive Sensing VI: From Diverse Modalities to Big Data Analytics 10211 …, 2017
Multimodal and Multipath Exploitation in a Sparse Reconstruction Approach to Guided Wave Structural Health Monitoring
ALP Golato
Villanova University, 2017
Scattering of Lamb Waves by a Cylindrical Mass Attached to the Surface of a Plate
A Golato, S Santhanam, F Ahmad, MG Amin
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 50480, V001T05A003, 2016
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Articles 1–15