Frequencies and damping ratios of bridges through Operational Modal Analysis using smartphones S Castellanos-Toro, M Marmolejo, J Marulanda, A Cruz, P Thomson Construction and Building Materials 188, 490-504, 2018 | 60 | 2018 |
Optimal sensor placement for modal identification of structures using genetic algorithms—a case study: the olympic stadium in Cali, Colombia A Cruz, W Vélez, P Thomson Annals of Operations Research 181 (1), 769-781, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |
Preliminary approach to assess the seismic hazard on a lunar site S Ruiz, A Cruz, D Gomez, SJ Dyke, J Ramirez Icarus 383, 115056, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
Resistencia a licuación de la arena terrígena de Aguablanca en Santiago de Cali E Sandoval-Vallejo, W Campaña-Diaz, A Cruz-Escobar Dyna 80 (181), 126-135, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
Assessment of Nakamura methodology for evaluating soil liquefaction potential M Herrera, S Arango, A Cruz, E Sandoval, P Thomson Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V, 94-107, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Real‐time structural monitoring of Building 350 at Del Valle University LA Jiménez‐Roa, J Marulanda‐Casas, A Cruz‐Escobar Structural Control and Health Monitoring 24 (8), e1959, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Evaluation of experimental techniques for performance estimation of post-tensioned concrete beams S Castellanos-Toro, AM Panesso, J Marulanda, AR Ortiz, A Cruz, ... Construction and Building Materials 393, 132131, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
Use of ambient noise records in seismic engineering: An approach to identify potentially liquefiable sites S Arango, M Herrera, A Cruz, E Sandoval, P Thomson, C Ledezma Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
A review of probabilistic approaches for assessing the liquefaction hazard in urban areas A Cruz, S Karimzadeh, N Chieffo, E Sandoval, PB Lourenço Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-36, 2024 | 4 | 2024 |
New seismic monitoring center in South America to assess the liquefaction risk posed by subduction earthquakes S Arango-Serna, L Gallo, JH Zambrano, A Cruz, E Sandoval, P Thomson Journal of Seismology 27 (3), 385-407, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Análisis Estadístico de Edificaciones de Muros Delgados de Concreto Reforzado en Zona de Amenaza Sísmica Alta: Casos Cali y Popayán R Ortega, P Torres, E Cuesvas, A Cruz, J Marulanda, P Thomson IX Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica, 1443-1458, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Implementation of a portable real-time soil monitoring system at Universidad del Valle (Cali-Colombia) L Gallo, A Aguas, S Arango, A Cruz, P Thomson 7th Workshop on Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Identification of prestress forces using genetic algorithms and generic element matrices W Vélez, A Cruz, P Thomson AIP Conference Proceedings 1281 (1), 2143-2146, 2010 | 4 | 2010 |
Numerical evaluation of the seismic performance of thin reinforced concrete wall buildings representative of the industrialized building system E Cuesvas, R Ortega, J Marulanda, P Thomson, G Areiza, A Cruz Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 19 (1), e425, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
A novel and robust technique for identifying prestress forces in prestressed concrete beams using generic finite elements and simulated annealing algorithms A Cruz, W Vélez, P Thomson Journal of Applied Research and Technology 19 (N° 3 (2021)), 250-262, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Desarrollo e implementación de un sistema de monitoreo estructural en tiempo real para un edificio en escala real L Jimenez, A Cruz, J Marulanda Recuperado de http://jornadasaie. org. ar/wp-content/themes/jornadas-aie …, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |
Seismic assessment of a long-term lunar habitat C Patiño, S Ruiz, D Gomez, A Cruz, SJ Dyke, J Ramirez Acta Astronautica 214, 414-426, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Identification of the operational frequencies of 300+ bridges using smartphones S Castellanos, J Marulanda, M Preciado, A Cruz, P Thomson Nondestructive Characterization and Monitoring of Advanced Materials …, 2016 | 2 | 2016 |
Liquefaction resistance of Aguablanca terrigenous sand in Santiago de Cali E Sandoval-Vallejo, W Campana-Diaz, A Cruz-Escobar DYNA 80 (181), 126-135, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Preliminary approach to assess the seismic hazard on the Moon P CADENA, S RUIZ, O ARCILA, V PRADO, A PATIÑO, D GÓMEZ, ... 2020 Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Tendencias en Ingeniería …, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |