Jonathan Schubert
Jonathan Schubert
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Oscillatory activity reflects differential use of spatial reference frames by sighted and blind individuals in tactile attention
JTW Schubert, VN Buchholz, J Föcker, AK Engel, B Röder, T Heed
NeuroImage 117, 417-428, 2015
Task demands affect spatial reference frame weighting during tactile localization in sighted and congenitally blind adults
JTW Schubert, S Badde, B Röder, T Heed
PLoS One 12 (12), e0189067, 2017
Alpha-band oscillations reflect external spatial coding for tactile stimuli in sighted, but not in congenitally blind humans
JTW Schubert, VN Buchholz, J Föcker, AK Engel, B Röder, T Heed
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9215, 2019
Spatial processing of touch in sighted and congenitally blind humans
JTW Schubert
Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, 2016
Remapping of touch in the blind for current, but not for planned postures
J Schubert, B Roeder, T Heed
Seeing and Perceiving 25, 119-119, 2012
Spatial encoding of touch depends on task demands in sighted and congenitally blind individuals
Schubert, J.T.W., Badde, S., Röder, B., & Heed, T.
58th conference of experimental psychologists (TeaP), 2016
External spatial coordinates for tactile spatial attention are reflected in prestimulus oscillations in sighted but not in blind individuals
J Föcker, T Heed, JTW Schubert, B Röder
Multisensory Research 26 (1-2), 201-202, 2013
External spatial coordinates for tactile spatial attention are reflected in prestimulus oscillations in sighted but not in blind individuals
JTW Schubert, T Heed, J Föcker, B Röder
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