Nagendra Kumar Singh
Nagendra Kumar Singh
President,The Genomics Foundation; JC Bose National Fellow, ICAR-NIPB New Delhi
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The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution
TTG Consortium
Nature 485 (7400), 635, 2012
The map-based sequence of the rice genome
IRGS Project
Nature 436 (7052), 793, 2005
Shifting the limits in wheat research and breeding using a fully annotated reference genome
IWGS Consortium
Science 361 (6403), eaar7191, 2018
A chromosome-based draft sequence of the hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) genome
International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC), ...
Science 345 (6194), 1251788, 2014
Ancient hybridizations among the ancestral genomes of bread wheat
T Marcussen, SR Sandve, L Heier, M Spannagl, M Pfeifer, KS Jakobsen, ...
Science 345 (6194), 2014
A simplified SDS-PAGE procedure for separating LMW subunits of glutenin.
NK Singh, KW Shepherd, GB Cornish
Journal of Cereal Science 14 (3), 203-208, 1991
An integrated physical and genetic map of the rice genome
M Chen, G Presting, WB Barbazuk, JL Goicoechea, B Blackmon, G Fang, ...
The Plant Cell 14 (3), 537-545, 2002
Linkage mapping of genes controlling endosperm storage proteins in wheat. 1. Genes on the short arms of group1 chromosomes
NK Singh, KW Shepherd
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 75 (4), 628-641, 1988
Genome-wide association mapping of salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa)
V Kumar, A Singh, SVA Mithra, SL Krishnamurthy, SK Parida, S Jain, ...
DNA research 22 (2), 133-145, 2015
Combining bacterial blight resistance and Basmati quality characteristics by phenotypic and molecular marker-assisted selection in rice.
M Joseph, S Gopalakrishnan, RK Sharma, VP Singh, AK Singh, NK Singh, ...
Molecular Breeding 13, 377-387, 2004
Mapping of quantitative trait loci for basmati quality traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Y Amarawathi, R Singh, AK Singh, VP Singh, T Mohapatra, TR Sharma, ...
Molecular Breeding 21, 49-65, 2008
High-resolution mapping, cloning and molecular characterization of the Pi-k h gene of rice, which confers resistance to Magnaporthe grisea
TR Sharma, MS Madhav, BK Singh, P Shanker, TK Jana, V Dalal, ...
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 274, 569-578, 2005
Development of genic-SSR markers by deep transcriptome sequencing in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]
S Dutta, G Kumawat, BP Singh, DK Gupta, S Singh, V Dogra, K Gaikwad, ...
BMC Plant Biology 11 (1), 17, 2011
The rice annotation project database (RAP-DB): 2008 update
Rice Annotation Project
Nucleic Acids Research 36 (suppl_1), D1028-D1033, 2007
Orphan legume crops enter the genomics era!
RK Varshney, TJ Close, NK Singh, DA Hoisington, DR Cook
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 12 (2), 202-210, 2009
The cumulative effect of allelic variation in LMW and HMW glutenin subunits on dough properties in the progeny of two bread wheats
RB Gupta, NK Singh, KW Shepherd
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 77, 57-64, 1989
Use of sonication and size-exclusion HPLC in the study of wheat flour proteins. I. Dissolution of total proteins in unreduced form
NK Singh, GR Donovan, IL Batey, F MacRitchie
Cereal Chem 67, 150-161, 1990
Comparison of SSR and SNP markers in estimation of genetic diversity and population structure of Indian rice varieties
N Singh, DR Choudhury, AK Singh, S Kumar, K Srinivasan, RK Tyagi, ...
PloS one 8 (12), e84136, 2013
Use of sonication and size exclusion HPLC in the study of wheat flour proteins. II. Relative quantity of glutenin as a measure of bread making quality
NK Singh, R Donovan, F MacRitchie
Cereal Chem 67 (2), 16l-170, 1990
From QTL to variety-harnessing the benefits of QTLs for drought, flood and salt tolerance in mega rice varieties of India through a multi-institutional network
R Singh, Y Singh, S Xalaxo, S Verulkar, N Yadav, S Singh, N Singh, ...
Plant Science 242, 278-287, 2016
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