Katharina Eichin
Katharina Eichin
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Fight, flight,–or grab a bite! trait emotional and restrained eating style predicts food cue responding under negative emotions
R Schnepper, C Georgii, K Eichin, AK Arend, FH Wilhelm, C Vögele, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 14, 91, 2020
A highly cognitive demanding working memory task may prevent the development of nociceptive hypersensitivity
DM Torta, M De Laurentis, KN Eichin, A von Leupoldt, EN van den Broeke, ...
Pain 161 (7), 1459-1469, 2020
Prone to food in bad mood—Emotion‐potentiated food‐cue reactivity in patients with binge‐eating disorder
AK Arend, R Schnepper, APC Lutz, KN Eichin, J Blechert
International Journal of Eating Disorders 55 (4), 564-569, 2022
I change my mind to get better: Process tracing-based microanalysis of food choice processes reveals differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa during inpatient …
C Georgii, KN Eichin, A Richard, R Schnepper, S Naab, U Voderholzer, ...
Appetite 168, 105745, 2022
Exploring changes in event-related potentials after a feasibility trial of inhibitory training for bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder
R Chami, J Treasure, V Cardi, M Lozano-Madrid, KN Eichin, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1056, 2020
(Mouse cursor)-Tracking food decisions in binge eating disorder reveals preference for high-energy foods and a role of BMI
KN Eichin, C Georgii, AK Arend, Z Van Dyck, J Blechert
Appetite 170, 105890, 2022
High cognitive load may prevent the development of nociceptive hypersensitivity
D Torta, M De Laurentis, KN Eichin, A von Leupoldt, EN van den Broeke, ...
PsyArXiv, 2019
Emotional food‐cue‐reactivity in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: An electroencephalography study
KN Eichin, C Georgii, R Schnepper, U Voderholzer, J Blechert
International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2022
Food preference and choice across eating and weight disorders: the roles of Anorexia Nervosa and external eating
K Eichin, AK Arend, J Blechert
PsyArXiv, 2023
Emotional reactivity to binge food and erotic cues in women with bulimia nervosa symptoms
I Hernández-Rivero, J Blechert, L Miccoli, KN Eichin, ...
Journal of Eating Disorders 9 (1), 1-11, 2021
Food Choices and Changes of Mind (Mousetracking) in Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Healthy Controls
C Georgii, A Richard, KN Eichin, R Schnepper, S Naab, U Voderholzer, ...
PsychArchives, 2020
The healthy equals sustainable heuristic
K Eichin, A Effert, B Renner, G Sproesser
PsychArchives, 2023
Emotional food cue reactivity in Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa
K Eichin, C Georgii, R Schnepper, U Voderholzer, J Blechert
OSF, 2023
Gendered eating: Can gender role orientations explain gender differences in healthy eating?
A Effert, KN Eichin, G Sproesser
PsychArchives, 2023
State influences on neural responses to food in overweight and eating disorders: an EEG study with individuals with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
KN Eichin, C Georgii, R Schnepper, J Blechert
Obesity Facts 15 (suppl 1), 30, 2022
Code for: Prone to food in bad mood–Emotion potentiated food cue reactivity in patients with binge eating disorder
AK Arend, R Schnepper, A Lutz, KN Eichin, J Blechert
PsychArchives, 2021
Dataset for:(Mouse)-Tracking food decisions in Binge Eating Disorder reveals preference for high-caloric food and a role of BMI
KN Eichin
PsychArchives, 2021
When shielding is not enough: cognitive load does not prevent the development of secondary hyperalgesia
D Torta, M De Laurentis, KN Eichin, A von Leupoldt, E van den Broeke, ...
IASP, World Congress of Pain, 2018
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