Frank Zwaan
Frank Zwaan
University of Laysanne
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Insights into the effects of oblique extension on continental rift interaction from 3D analogue and numerical models
F Zwaan, G Schreurs, J Naliboff, SJH Buiter
Tectonophysics 693, 239-260, 2016
How oblique extension and structural inheritance influence rift segment interaction: Insights from 4D analog models
F Zwaan, G Schreurs
Interpretation 5 (1), SD119-SD138, 2017
Effects of sedimentation on rift segment evolution and rift interaction in orthogonal and oblique extensional settings: Insights from analogue models analysed with 4D X-ray …
F Zwaan, G Schreurs, J Adam
Global and planetary change 171, 110-133, 2018
Rift segment interaction in orthogonal and rotational extension experiments: Implications for the large-scale development of rift systems
F Zwaan, G Schreurs
Journal of Structural Geology 140, 104119, 2020
Rift propagation in rotational versus orthogonal extension: Insights from 4D analogue models
F Zwaan, G Schreurs, M Rosenau
Journal of Structural Geology 135, 103946, 2020
Complex rift patterns, a result of interacting crustal and mantle weaknesses, or multiphase rifting? Insights from analogue models
F Zwaan, P Chenin, D Erratt, G Manatschal, G Schreurs
Solid Earth 12 (7), 1473-1495, 2021
A systematic comparison of experimental set-ups for modelling extensional tectonics
F Zwaan, G Schreurs, SJH Buiter
Solid Earth 10 (4), 1063-1097, 2019
Competition between 3D structural inheritance and kinematics during rifting: Insights from analogue models
F Zwaan, P Chenin, D Erratt, G Manatschal, G Schreurs
Basin Research 34 (2), 824-854, 2022
Structural analysis of the Western Afar Margin, East Africa: Evidence for multiphase rotational rifting
F Zwaan, G Corti, F Sani, D Keir, AA Muluneh, F Illsley‐Kemp, M Papini
Tectonics 39 (7), e2019TC006043, 2020
A review of tectonic models for the rifted margin of Afar: Implications for continental break-up and passive margin formation
F Zwaan, G Corti, D Keir, F Sani
Journal of African Earth Sciences 164, 103649, 2020
How oblique extension and structural inheritance influence rift segment interaction: Insights from 4D analog models, Interpretation, 5, SD119–SD138
F Zwaan, G Schreurs
Pre-existing basement faults controlling deformation in the Jura Mountains fold-and-thrust belt: insights from analogue models
M Schori, F Zwaan, G Schreurs, J Mosar
Tectonophysics 814, 228980, 2021
The interaction between strike-slip dominated fault zones and thrust belt structures: Insights from 4D analogue models
J Fedorik, F Zwaan, G Schreurs, G Toscani, L Bonini, S Seno
Journal of Structural Geology 122, 89-105, 2019
Analogue modelling of basin inversion: a review and future perspectives
F Zwaan, G Schreurs, S Buiter, O Ferrer, R Reitano, M Rudolf, ...
Solid Earth Discussions 2022, 1-84, 2022
Rheology of PDMS-corundum sand mixtures from the Tectonic Modelling Lab of the University of Bern (CH)
F Zwaan, G Schreurs, M Ritter, T Santimano, M Rosenau
GFZ Data Services, 2018
Polyphase extensional basins: interplay between tectonics and sedimentation in the Neogene Siena-Radicofani Basin (Northern Apennines, Italy)
I Martini, E Ambrosetti, A Brogi, M Aldinucci, F Zwaan, F Sandrelli
International Journal of Earth Sciences 110 (5), 1729-1751, 2021
A systematic comparison of experimental set-ups for modelling extensional tectonics, Solid Earth, 10, 1063–1097
F Zwaan, G Schreurs, SJH Buiter
Ring-shear test data of quartz sand from the Tectonic Modelling Lab of the University of Bern (CH)
F Zwaan, G Schreurs, R Gentzmann, M Warsitzka, M Rosenau
GFZ Data Services, 2018
Analogue modelling of basin inversion: a review and future perspectives, Solid Earth, 13, 1859–1905
F Zwaan, G Schreurs, SJH Buiter, O Ferrer, R Reitano, M Rudolf, ...
Analogue modelling of marginal flexure in Afar, East Africa: Implications for passive margin formation
F Zwaan, G Corti, D Keir, F Sani
Tectonophysics 796, 228595, 2020
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Articles 1–20