Maria A. Fernandez Seara
Maria A. Fernandez Seara
Research Professor, Radiology Department, University of Navarra
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A theoretical and experimental investigation of the tagging efficiency of pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling
WC Wu, M Fernández‐Seara, JA Detre, FW Wehrli, J Wang
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 58 (5), 1020-1027, 2007
Empirical optimization of ASL data analysis using an ASL data processing toolbox: ASLtbx
Z Wang, GK Aguirre, H Rao, J Wang, MA Fernández-Seara, AR Childress, ...
Magnetic resonance imaging 26 (2), 261-269, 2008
Comparison of 2D and 3D single-shot ASL perfusion fMRI sequences
M Vidorreta, Z Wang, I Rodríguez, MA Pastor, JA Detre, ...
Neuroimage 66, 662-671, 2013
Postprocessing technique to correct for background gradients in image‐based R* 2 measurements
MA Fernández‐Seara, FW Wehrli
Magnetic resonance in medicine 44 (3), 358-366, 2000
MR susceptometry for measuring global brain oxygen extraction
MA Fernández‐Seara, A Techawiboonwong, JA Detre, FW Wehrli
Magnetic resonance in medicine 55 (5), 967-973, 2006
Automated N euromelanin I maging as a D iagnostic B iomarker for P arkinson's D isease
G Castellanos, MA Fernández‐Seara, O Lorenzo‐Betancor, ...
Movement Disorders 30 (7), 945-952, 2015
Continuous arterial spin labeling perfusion measurements using single shot 3D GRASE at 3 T
MA Fernández‐Seara, Z Wang, J Wang, HY Rao, M Guenther, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 54 (5), 1241-1247, 2005
Arterial spin labelling MRI to measure renal perfusion: a systematic review and statement paper
A Odudu, F Nery, AA Harteveld, RG Evans, D Pendse, CE Buchanan, ...
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 33 (suppl_2), ii15-ii21, 2018
Consensus-based technical recommendations for clinical translation of renal ASL MRI
F Nery, CE Buchanan, AA Harteveld, A Odudu, O Bane, EF Cox, K Derlin, ...
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 33, 141-161, 2020
Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of bone water
FW Wehrli, MA Fernández-Seara
Annals of biomedical engineering 33, 79-86, 2005
Diffusion of exchangeable water in cortical bone studied by nuclear magnetic resonance
MA Fernández-Seara, SL Wehrli, FW Wehrli
Biophysical journal 82 (1), 522-529, 2002
When perfusion meets diffusion: in vivo measurement of water permeability in human brain
J Wang, MA Fernández-Seara, S Wang, KS St Lawrence
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 27 (4), 839-849, 2007
Frequency domain instrument for measuring phosphorescence lifetime distributions in heterogeneous samples
SA Vinogradov, MA Fernandez-Searra, BW Dugan, DF Wilson
Review of Scientific Instruments 72 (8), 3396-3406, 2001
Potentials and challenges for arterial spin labeling in pharmacological magnetic resonance imaging
DJJ Wang, Y Chen, MA Fernández-Seara, JA Detre
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 337 (2), 359-366, 2011
Complex modular structure of large-scale brain networks
M Valencia, MA Pastor, MA Fernández-Seara, J Artieda, J Martinerie, ...
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 19 (2), 2009
Water content measured by proton‐deuteron exchange NMR predicts bone mineral density and mechanical properties
MA Fernández‐Seara, SL Wehrli, M Takahashi, FW Wehrli
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 19 (2), 289-296, 2004
Cortical hypoperfusion in Parkinson's disease assessed using arterial spin labeled perfusion MRI
MA Fernández-Seara, E Mengual, M Vidorreta, M Aznárez-Sanado, ...
Neuroimage 59 (3), 2743-2750, 2012
Minimizing acquisition time of arterial spin labeling at 3T
MA Fernández‐Seara, BL Edlow, A Hoang, J Wang, DA Feinberg, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 59 (6), 1467-1471, 2008
Continuous performance of a novel motor sequence leads to highly correlated striatal and hippocampal perfusion increases
MA Fernández-Seara, M Aznárez-Sanado, E Mengual, FR Loayza, ...
Neuroimage 47 (4), 1797-1808, 2009
Multi-vendor reliability of arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI using a near-identical sequence: implications for multi-center studies
HJMM Mutsaerts, MJ Van Osch, FO Zelaya, DJJ Wang, W Nordhřy, ...
Neuroimage 113, 143-152, 2015
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Articles 1–20