Jerzy W Rozenblit
Jerzy W Rozenblit
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Security challenges for medical devices
J Sametinger, J Rozenblit, R Lysecky, P Ott
Communications of the ACM 58 (4), 74-82, 2015
Computer Aided Software/Hardware Engineering
J Rozenblit, B Klaus
IEEE press, 1994
Model-based codesign
S Schulz, JW Rozenblit, M Mrva, K Buchenriede
Computer 31 (8), 60-67, 1998
Adaptive tracking in distributed wireless sensor networks
L Yang, C Feng, JW Rozenblit, H Qiao
13th Annual IEEE International Symposium and Workshop on Engineering of …, 2006
Design and modeling concepts
JW Rozenblit, BP Zeigler
International encyclopedia of robotics, applications and automation, 308-322, 1988
A new framework for power estimation of embedded systems
C Talarico, JW Rozenblit, V Malhotra, A Stritter
Computer 38 (2), 71-78, 2005
System design is an NP‐complete problem
WL Chapman, J Rozenblit, AT Bahill
Systems Engineering 4 (3), 222-229, 2001
Concepts for knowledge-based system design environments
JW Rozenblit, BP Zeigler
Proceedings of the 17th conference on Winter simulation, 223-231, 1985
Probabilistic threat detection for risk management in cyber-physical medical systems
A Rao, N Carreón, R Lysecky, J Rozenblit
IEEE Software 35 (1), 38-43, 2017
Educational technologies for precollege engineering education
M Riojas, S Lysecky, J Rozenblit
IEEE transactions on learning technologies 5 (1), 20-37, 2011
A knowledge-based simulation environment for hierarchical flexible manufacturing
BP Zeigler, TH Cho, JW Rozenblit
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 1996
A computerized assessment to compare the impact of standard, stereoscopic, and high-definition laparoscopic monitor displays on surgical technique
C Feng, JW Rozenblit, AJ Hamilton
Surgical endoscopy 24, 2743-2748, 2010
Rule-based generation of model structures in multifaceted modeling and system design
JW Rozenblit, YM Huang
ORSA Journal on Computing 3 (4), 330-344, 1991
Knowledge-based design and simulation environment (KBDSE): Foundational concepts and implementation
JW Rozenblit, J Hu, TG Kim, BP Zeigler
Artificial Intelligence in Operational Research, 261-275, 1992
Portable low cost computer assisted surgical trainer and assessment system
M Riojas, JW Rozenblit, L Napalkova, AJ Hamilton, C Feng
US Patent 9,489,869, 2016
Discrete event system specification (DEVS) and statemate statecharts equivalence for embedded systems modeling
S Schulz, TC Ewing, JW Rozenblit
Proceedings Seventh IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the …, 2000
The computer assisted surgical trainer: design, models, and implementation
JW Rozenblit, C Feng, M Riojas, L Napalkova, AJ Hamilton, M Hong, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 Summer Simulation Multiconference, 1-10, 2014
Experimental frame specification methodology for hierarchical simulation modeling
JW Rozenblit
International Journal Of General System 19 (3), 317-336, 1991
Design of a simulation environment for laboratory management by robot organizations
BP Zeigler, FE Cellier, JW Rozenblit
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 1, 299-309, 1988
A conceptual basis for integrated, model-based system design (simulation, expert system)
JW Rozenblit
Wayne State University, 1985
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