Christopher Y. Olivola
Christopher Y. Olivola
Associate Professor of Marketing, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University
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Social attributions from faces: Determinants, consequences, accuracy, and functional significance
A Todorov, CY Olivola, R Dotsch, P Mende-Siedlecki
Annual review of psychology 66 (1), 519-545, 2015
The effort paradox: Effort is both costly and valued
M Inzlicht, A Shenhav, CY Olivola
Trends in cognitive sciences 22 (4), 337-349, 2018
Elected in 100 milliseconds: Appearance-based trait inferences and voting
CY Olivola, A Todorov
Journal of nonverbal behavior 34, 83-110, 2010
Doing unto future selves as you would do unto others: Psychological distance and decision making
E Pronin, CY Olivola, KA Kennedy
Personality and social psychology bulletin 34 (2), 224-236, 2008
Fooled by first impressions? Reexamining the diagnostic value of appearance-based inferences
CY Olivola, A Todorov
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (2), 315-324, 2010
Social attributions from faces bias human choices
CY Olivola, F Funk, A Todorov
Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (11), 566-570, 2014
The martyrdom effect: When pain and effort increase prosocial contributions
CY Olivola, E Shafir
Journal of behavioral decision making 26 (1), 91-105, 2013
Unfakeable facial configurations affect strategic choices in trust games with or without information about past behavior
C Rezlescu, B Duchaine, CY Olivola, N Chater
PloS one 7 (3), e34293, 2012
Axe the tax: Taxes are disliked more than equivalent costs
AB Sussman, CY Olivola
Journal of Marketing Research 48 (SPL), S91-S101, 2011
Republicans prefer Republican-looking leaders: Political facial stereotypes predict candidate electoral success among right-leaning voters
CY Olivola, AB Sussman, K Tsetsos, OE Kang, A Todorov
Social Psychological and Personality Science 3 (5), 605-613, 2012
The many (distinctive) faces of leadership: Inferring leadership domain from facial appearance
CY Olivola, DL Eubanks, JB Lovelace
The Leadership Quarterly 25 (5), 817-834, 2014
Linguistic and metalinguistic intuitions in the philosophy of language
E Machery, CY Olivola, M De Blanc
Analysis 69 (4), 689-694, 2009
The interpersonal sunk-cost effect
CY Olivola
Psychological science 29 (7), 1072-1083, 2018
Nothing at Stake in Knowledge
D Rose, et al.
Noûs, 2017
The value of nothing: Asymmetric attention to opportunity costs drives intertemporal decision making
D Read, CY Olivola, DJ Hardisty
Management Science 63 (12), 4277-4297, 2017
The science of giving: Experimental approaches to the study of charity
DM Oppenheimer, CY Olivola
Psychology Press, 2011
Using big data to predict collective behavior in the real world
HS Moat, T Preis, CY Olivola, C Liu, N Chater
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1), 92-93, 2014
Distributions of observed death tolls govern sensitivity to human fatalities
CY Olivola, N Sagara
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (52), 22151-22156, 2009
When noble means hinder noble ends: The benefits and costs of a preference for martyrdom in altruism
CY Olivola
The science of giving: Experimental approaches to the study of charity, 49-62, 2011
The gettier intuition from South America to Asia
E Machery, S Stich, D Rose, M Alai, A Angelucci, R Berniūnas, EE Buchtel, ...
Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 34, 517-541, 2017
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