Justin Kadi
Justin Kadi
Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
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Cited by
Cited by
The revival of private landlords in Britain’s post-homeownership society
R Ronald, J Kadi
New Political Economy 23 (6), 786-803, 2018
Recommodifying housing in formerly “Red” Vienna?
J Kadi
Housing, Theory and Society 32 (3), 247-265, 2015
What ever happened to asset-based welfare? Shifting approaches to housing wealth and welfare security
R Ronald, C Lennartz, J Kadi
Policy & politics 45 (2), 173-193, 2017
Market-based housing reforms and the ‘right to the city’: the variegated experiences of New York, Amsterdam and Tokyo
J Kadi, R Ronald
International Journal of Housing Policy 14 (3), 268-292, 2014
Airbnb as a tool for inclusive tourism?
J Kadi, L Plank, R Seidl
Tourism Geographies 24 (4-5), 669-691, 2022
Homeownership-based welfare in transition
R Ronald, J Kadi, C Lennartz
Critical Housing Analysis 2 (1), 52, 2015
Housing for the poor in a neo‐liberalising just city: Still affordable, but increasingly inaccessible
J Kadi, S Musterd
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 106 (3), 246-262, 2015
Multiple property ownership in times of late homeownership: A new conceptual vocabulary
J Kadi, C Hochstenbach, C Lennartz
International Journal of Housing Policy 20 (1), 6-24, 2020
Post-neoliberal housing policy? Disentangling recent reforms in New York, Berlin and Vienna
J Kadi, L Vollmer, S Stein
European Urban and Regional Studies 28 (4), 353-374, 2021
Wohnungspolitik in der Krise des Neoliberalismus in Berlin und Wien: Postneoliberaler Paradigmenwechsel oder punktuelle staatliche Beruhigungspolitik?
L Vollmer, J Kadi
PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft 48 (191), 247–264-247–264, 2018
Wohnraum für alle?!
B Schönig, J Kadi, S Schipper
Transcript Verlag., 2017
Public housing and COVID-19: Contestation, challenge and change
ER Power, D Rogers, J Kadi
International Journal of Housing Policy 20 (3), 313-319, 2020
Determinants of land consumption in Austria and the effects of spatial planning regulations
M Getzner, J Kadi
European Planning Studies, 1-23, 2019
Planung als politische Praxis. Zur Einleitung in den Themenschwerpunkt
N Gribat, J Kadi, J Lange, Y Meubrink, J Müller
sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 5 (1/2), 7-20, 2017
The remarkable stability of social housing in Vienna and Helsinki: A multi-dimensional analysis
J Kadi, J Lilius
Housing Studies 39 (7), 1607-1631, 2024
Short-term Rentals, Housing Markets and COVID-19: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evidence from Four Austrian Cities
J Kadi, A Schneider, R Seidl
Critical Housing Analysis 7 (2), 47-57, 2020
Gentrifizierung in Wien: Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis
J Kadi, M Verlic
AK Stadtpunkte, 2019
Gentrifizierung am privaten Wiener Mietwohnungsmarkt
J Kadi, M Verlič
Gentrifizierung in Wien. Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis …, 2019
Red Vienna, 1919–1934
J Kadi, J Suitner
The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies, 1-5, 2019
Airbnb in Wien: eine Analyse, interaktiver Forschungsbericht
R Seidl, L Plank, J Kadi
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Articles 1–20