Patrick J. Ruhl
Patrick J. Ruhl
Assistant Professor, Purdue University
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Multi-scale responses of breeding birds to experimental forest management in Indiana, USA
KF Kellner, PJ Ruhl, JB Dunning Jr, JK Riegel, RK Swihart
Forest Ecology and Management 382, 64-75, 2016
Using stable isotopes of plasma, red blood cells, feces, and feathers to assess mature-forest bird diet during the post-fledging period
PJ Ruhl, EA Flaherty, JB Dunning Jr
Canadian Journal of Zoology 98 (1), 39-46, 2020
Local-scale habitat components driving bird abundance in eastern deciduous forests
KF Kellner
The American Midland Naturalist 180 (1), 52-65, 2018
Roost preference, postfledging habitat use, and breeding phenology of adult female Worm-eating Warblers (Helmitheros vermivorum) on the breeding grounds
PJ Ruhl, CD Delancey, JB Dunning Jr
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130 (2), 397-409, 2018
Effects of woody biomass harvests on a population of plethodontid salamanders in southeast Indiana
J Peele, C Nix, P Ruhl, R Chapman, P Zollner, MR Saunders
The American Midland Naturalist 178 (1), 132-143, 2017
Characterization of Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorum) breeding habitat at the landscape level and nest scale
PJ Ruhl, KF Kellner, JM Pierce, JK Riegel, RK Swihart, MR Saunders, ...
Ecological factors explain habitat associations of mature-forest songbirds in regenerating forest clearcuts
PJ Ruhl, KF Kellner, JB Dunning Jr
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132 (1), 145-158, 2020
Confirmation of Successful Chesnut-sided Warbler Breeding in South-Central Indiana
PJ Ruhl, JB Dunning Jr, JK Riegel
Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 124 (1), 38-42, 2015
Do American Golden-Plovers (Pluvialis dominica) Avoid Wind-energy Turbines in Agricultural Fields in Indiana During Spring Migration?
W Homoya, JW Moore, PJ Ruhl, JB Dunning Jr
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129 (4), 863-871, 2017
Morphometrics of Worm-eating Warblers in south-central Indiana: hatching year and after hatching year comparison
PJ Ruhl, JB Dunning Jr
North American Bird Bander 40 (3), 1, 2015
Effects of biomass harvest on eastern red-backed salamanders
PJ Ruhl
Purdue University, 2014
An efficient and inexpensive apparatus for collecting fecal samples during banding studies: revisiting an underutilized technique
PJ Ruhl, JM Pierce, JB Dunning Jr
North American Bird Bander 41 (4), 1, 2016
Roosting distributions and habitat associations of overwintering White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) on the nonbreeding grounds
ME González, FN Hale, MJ Adams, DA Kidder, PJ Ruhl
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 135 (4), 533-545, 2023
Foraging Intensity of Tufted Titmice (Baeolophus bicolor) in Response to Feed Type and Extreme Winter Conditions
AB McKinney, KN Barlow, HE Adams, JL White, KF Kellner, PJ Ruhl
Southeastern Naturalist 22 (1), 43-56, 2023
Postfledging Habitat Associations of Mature Forest Birds with Early Successional Habitat
P Ruhl
Postfledging Habitat Associations of Mature Forest Birds with Early …, 2018
Postfledging Habitat Associations of Mature Forest Birds with Early Successional Habitat in South-Central Indiana
PJ Ruhl
Purdue University, 2018
P Ruhl
North American Bird Bander 41 (4), 18, 2016
Field-Testing a Standard Metabolic Rate Estimation Technique for Eastern Red-Backed Salamanders
PJ Ruhl, RN Chapman, JB Dunning Jr
Journal of Herpetology 50 (1), 138-144, 2016
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