Emily Newman
Emily Newman
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Daily hassles and eating behaviour: the role of cortisol reactivity status
E Newman, DB O’Connor, M Conner
Psychoneuroendocrinology 32 (2), 125-132, 2007
Exploring changes in body image, eating and exercise during the COVID-19 lockdown: A UK survey
MK Robertson, F Duffy, E Newman, CP Bravo, HH Ates, H Sharpe
Appetite 159, 105062, 2021
An overview of the research on mindfulness‐based interventions for treating symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review
K Banks, E Newman, J Saleem
Journal of clinical psychology 71 (10), 935-963, 2015
Childhood trauma and eating psychopathology: A mediating role for dissociation and emotion dysregulation?
SJ Moulton, E Newman, K Power, V Swanson, K Day
Child abuse & neglect 39, 167-174, 2015
Attachment & violent offending: A meta-analysis
CA Ogilvie, E Newman, L Todd, D Peck
Aggression and violent behavior 19 (4), 322-339, 2014
Emotional maltreatment and disordered eating in adolescents: Testing the mediating role of emotion regulation
P Mills, EF Newman, J Cossar, G Murray
Child abuse & neglect 39, 156-166, 2015
A qualitative exploration of the impact of COVID-19 on individuals with eating disorders in the UK
SM Brown, MC Opitz, AI Peebles, H Sharpe, F Duffy, E Newman
Appetite 156, 104977, 2021
Feeling like me again: a grounded theory of the role of breast reconstruction surgery in self‐image
LN Mckean, EF Newman, P Adair
European Journal of Cancer Care 22 (4), 493-502, 2013
Attention bias modification (ABM) as a treatment for child and adolescent anxiety: A systematic review
H Lowther, E Newman
Journal of Affective Disorders 168, 125-135, 2014
Is there a difference between child self-ratings and parent proxy-ratings of the quality of life of children with a diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD …
H Galloway, E Newman
ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders 9, 11-29, 2017
The psychometric properties of orthorexia nervosa assessment scales: a systematic review and reliability generalization
MC Opitz, E Newman, ASAV Mellado, MKDA Robertson, H Sharpe
Appetite 155, 104797, 2020
Attentional biases for food stimuli in external eaters: possible mechanism for stress-induced eating?
E Newman, DB O’Connor, M Conner
Appetite 51 (2), 339-342, 2008
The impact of psychological therapies on violent behaviour in clinical and forensic settings: A systematic review
J Ross, E Quayle, E Newman, L Tansey
Aggression and Violent Behavior 18 (6), 761-773, 2013
Social climate in forensic mental health settings: A systematic review of qualitative studies
P Doyle, E Quayle, E Newman
Aggression and Violent Behavior 36, 118-136, 2017
Exercise identity as a risk factor for exercise dependence
AL Murray, K McKenzie, E Newman, E Brown
British journal of health psychology 18 (2), 369-382, 2013
A systematic review of cognitive distortions in online child sexual exploitation material offenders
CMS Steel, E Newman, S O'Rourke, E Quayle
Aggression and violent behavior 51, 101375, 2020
Does parent stress predict the quality of life of children with a diagnosis of ADHD? A comparison of parent and child perspectives
H Galloway, E Newman, N Miller, C Yuill
Journal of attention disorders 23 (5), 435-450, 2019
Care staff intentions to support adults with an intellectual disability to engage in physical activity: An application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour
E Martin, K McKenzie, E Newman, K Bowden, PG Morris
Research in developmental disabilities 32 (6), 2535-2541, 2011
An integrative review of historical technology and countermeasure usage trends in online child sexual exploitation material offenders
CMS Steel, E Newman, S O’Rourke, E Quayle
Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 33, 300971, 2020
A longitudinal and comparative content analysis of Instagram fitness posts
J Ahrens, F Brennan, S Eaglesham, A Buelo, Y Laird, J Manner, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (11), 6845, 2022
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