Emmanuelle C. Leroy
Emmanuelle C. Leroy
Globice Réunion
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Cited by
Seasonal and Diel Vocalization Patterns of Antarctic Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus intermedia) in the Southern Indian Ocean: A Multi-Year and Multi-Site Study
EC Leroy, F Samaran, J Bonnel, JY Royer
PloS one 11 (11), e0163587, 2016
Long‐Term and Seasonal Changes of Large Whale Call Frequency in the Southern Indian Ocean
EC Leroy, JY Royer, J Bonnel, F Samaran
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (11), 8568-8580, 2018
Baleen whale distribution and seasonal occurrence revealed by an ocean bottom seismometer network in the western Indian Ocean
R Dréo, L Bouffaut, E Leroy, G Barruol, F Samaran
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 161, 132-144, 2019
Broad-scale study of the seasonal and geographic occurrence of blue and fin whales in the Southern Indian Ocean
EC Leroy, F Samaran, KM Stafford, J Bonnel, JY Royer
Endangered Species Research 37, 289-300, 2018
Automated detection of Antarctic blue whale calls
FX Socheleau, E Leroy, A Carvallo Pecci, F Samaran, J Bonnel, JY Royer
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (5), 3105-3117, 2015
An open access dataset for developing automated detectors of Antarctic baleen whale sounds and performance evaluation of two commonly used detectors
BS Miller, N Balcazar, S Nieukirk, EC Leroy, M Aulich, FW Shabangu, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-18, 2021
On the reliability of acoustic annotations and automatic detections of Antarctic blue whale calls under different acoustic conditions
EC Leroy, K Thomisch, JY Royer, O Boebel, I Van Opzeeland
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144 (2), 740-754, 2018
A new blue whale song-type described for the Arabian Sea and Western Indian Ocean
S Cerchio, A Willson, EC Leroy, C Muirhead, S Al Harthi, R Baldwin, ...
Endangered Species Research 43, 495-515, 2020
Multiple pygmy blue whale acoustic populations in the Indian Ocean: whale song identifies a possible new population
EC Leroy, JY Royer, A Alling, B Maslen, TL Rogers
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 8762, 2021
Identification of two potential whale calls in the southern Indian Ocean, and their geographic and seasonal occurrence
EC Leroy, F Samaran, J Bonnel, JY Royer
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142 (3), 1413-1427, 2017
Low-frequency sound level in the Southern Indian Ocean
E Tsang-Hin-Sun, JY Royer, EC Leroy
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (6), 3439-3446, 2015
Antarctic blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus intermedia) recorded at the Equator in the Atlantic Ocean
F Samaran, A Berne, EC Leroy, S Moreira, KM Stafford, M Maia, JY Royer
Marine Mammal Science 35 (2), 641-648, 2019
Changes of Oceanic Conditions Drive Chagos Whale Migration Patterns in the Central Indian Ocean
JL Huang, EC Leroy, G Truong, TL Rogers
Frontiers in Marine Science, 1064, 2022
Surveillance acoustique des baleines bleues Antarctique dans l’océan Indien austral: traitement, analyse et interprétation
E Leroy
Université de Bretagne occidentale-Brest, 2017
Blue whale songs worldwide: an update
A Širovic, M McDonald, N Balcazar-Cabrera, S Buchan, S Cerchio, ...
Society for Marine Mammalogy 22nd Biennial Conference, Halifax, NS, 2017
Variability in ground-truth data sets and the performance of two automated detectors for Antarctic blue whale calls in different soundscape conditions
EC Leroy, K Thomisch, I Van Opzeeland
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 (5), 3604-3605, 2017
Blue whale songs worldwide: An update
A Širović, M McDonald, N Balcazar-Cabrera, S Buchan, S Cerchio, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd Biennial Conference of the Biology of Marine Mammals …, 2017
Blue whale acoustic monitoring in the South-West Indian Ocean: an overview from large array of hydrophones
F Samaran, M Torterotot, J Béesau, EC Leroy, G Barruol, S Bazin, ...
EMSO Time Series Conference: Observing Ocean Sound, 2020
Two new whale calls in the southern Indian Ocean, and their geographic and seasonal distribution over five sites and seven years
EC Leroy, F Samaran, J Bonnel, JY Royer
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 (5), 3544-3544, 2017
Inter-and intra-annual frequency variations of large-whale calls in the southern Indian ocean
EC Leroy, JY Royer, J Bonnel, F Samaran
SEANOE, 2017
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Articles 1–20