Kai Pata
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Citizen science, education, and learning: challenges and opportunities
J Roche, L Bell, C Galvão, YN Golumbic, L Kloetzer, N Knoben, M Laakso, ...
Frontiers in Sociology 5, 613814, 2020
Teachers’ digital literacy and digital activity as digital divide components among basic schools in Ghana
JS Quaicoe, K Pata
Education and Information Technologies 25 (5), 4077-4095, 2020
Distributed learning environments and social software: In search for a framework of design
S Fiedler, K Pata
Social computing: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications, 403-416, 2010
Self-regulated workplace learning: A pedagogical framework and semantic web-based environment
M Siadaty, D Gašević, J Jovanović, K Pata, N Milikić, T Holocher-Ertl, ...
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 15 (4), 75-88, 2012
Pedagogy-driven design of digital learning ecosystems
M Laanpere, K Pata, P Normak, H Põldoja
Computer Science and Information Systems 11 (1), 419-442, 2014
Scaling informal learning at the workplace: A model and four designs from a large‐scale design‐based research effort
T Ley, J Cook, S Dennerlein, M Kravcik, C Kunzmann, K Pata, J Purma, ...
British Journal of Educational Technology 45 (6), 1036-1048, 2014
Considering students’ perspectives on personal and distributed learning environments in course design
T Väljataga, K Pata, K Tammets
Web 2.0-based e-Learning: Applying social informatics for tertiary teaching …, 2011
Inter-relations of tutor’s and peers’ scaffolding and decision-making discourse acts
K Pata, E Lehtinen, T Sarapuu
Instructional Science 34, 313-341, 2006
Modeling spaces for self-directed learning at university courses
K Pata
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 12 (3), 23-43, 2009
Tutor scaffolding styles of dilemma solving in network-based role-play
K Pata, T Sarapuu, E Lehtinen
Learning and Instruction 15 (6), 571-587, 2005
An ecological approach to learning dynamics
P Normak, K Pata, M Kaipainen
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 15 (3), 262-274, 2012
Considering students’ perspective on personal and distributed learning environments
T Valjataga, K Pata, K Tammets
Web, 85-107, 2011
A knowledge appropriation model to connect scaffolded learning and knowledge maturation in workplace learning settings
T Ley, R Maier, S Thalmann, L Waizenegger, K Pata, A Ruiz-Calleja
Vocations and Learning 13, 91-112, 2020
Factors Determining Digital Learning Ecosystem Smartness in Schools.
E Jeladze, K Pata, JS Quaicoe
IxD&A 35, 32-55, 2017
Revising the framework of knowledge ecologies: how activity patterns define learning spaces
K Pata
Educational social software for context-aware learning: Collaborative …, 2010
Novice teachers’ learning and knowledge building during the induction programme
K Tammets, K Pata, E Eisenschmidt
European Journal of Teacher Education 42 (1), 36-51, 2019
Implementing a technology-supported model for cross-organisational learning and knowledge building for teachers
K Tammets, K Pata, M Laanpere
European Journal of Teacher Education 35 (1), 57-75, 2012
A semantic web-enabled tool for self-regulated learning in the workplace
M Siadaty, J Jovanovic, K Pata, T Holocher-Ertl, D Gasevic, N Milikic
2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 66-70, 2011
Basic school teachers’ perspective to digital teaching and learning in Ghana
JS Quaicoe, K Pata
Education and Information Technologies 23, 1159-1173, 2018
Promoting teachers’ learning and knowledge building in a socio-technical system
K Tammets, K Pata, M Laanpere
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 14 (3 …, 2013
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