David de Felipe
David de Felipe
Senior Project Manager, Fraunhofer HHI
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Hybrid photonic integration on a polymer platform
Z Zhang, D Felipe, V Katopodis, P Groumas, C Kouloumentas, ...
Photonics 2 (3), 1005-1026, 2015
Polymer-based external cavity lasers: Tuning efficiency, reliability, and polarization diversity
D de Felipe, Z Zhang, W Brinker, M Kleinert, AM Novo, C Zawadzki, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 26 (14), 1391-1394, 2014
32 GBd 16QAM wireless transmission in the 300 GHz band using a PIN diode for THz upconversion
C Castro, S Nellen, R Elschner, I Sackey, R Emmerich, T Merkle, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, M4F. 5, 2019
Wireless data transmission at terahertz carrier waves generated from a hybrid InP-polymer dual tunable DBR laser photonic integrated circuit
G Carpintero, S Hisatake, D de Felipe, R Guzman, T Nagatsuma, N Keil
Scientific reports 8 (1), 3018, 2018
Recent developments in polymer-based photonic components for disruptive capacity upgrade in data centers
D De Felipe, M Kleinert, C Zawadzki, A Polatynski, G Irmscher, W Brinker, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (4), 683-689, 2016
Polymer embedded silicon nitride thermally tunable Bragg grating filters
Z Zhang, D Liu, D de Felipe, A Liu, N Keil, N Grote
Applied Physics Letters 102 (18), 2013
Graphene-based electro-absorption modulator integrated in a passive polymer waveguide platform
M Kleinert, F Herziger, P Reinke, C Zawadzki, D de Felipe, W Brinker, ...
Optical Materials Express 6 (6), 1800-1807, 2016
Photonic integrated devices and functions on hybrid polymer platform
M Kleinert, D de Felipe, C Zawadzki, W Brinker, JH Choi, P Reinke, ...
Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXV 10098, 220-230, 2017
Thermally optimized variable optical attenuators on a polymer platform
A Maese-Novo, Z Zhang, G Irmscher, A Polatynski, T Mueller, D de Felipe, ...
Applied optics 54 (3), 569-575, 2015
Power-efficient thermo-optic tunable filters based on polymeric waveguide Bragg gratings
A Liu, Z Zhang, D de Felipe, N Keil, N Grote
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 26 (3), 313-315, 2013
C/L-band colorless ONU based on polymer bidirectional optical subassembly
Z Zhang, D de Felipe, W Brinker, M Kleinert, A Maese-Novo, M Moehrle, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (6), 1230-1234, 2015
Temperature-tolerant wavelength-setting and-stabilization in a polymer-based tunable DBR laser
M Happach, D de Felipe, VN Friedhoff, M Kleinert, C Zawadzki, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (10), 1797-1802, 2017
Colorless, dual-polarization 90 hybrid with integrated VOAs and local oscillator on polymer platform
Z Zhang, A Maese-Novo, A Polatynski, T Mueller, G Irmscher, D de Felipe, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th1F. 3, 2015
Hybrid polymer/InP dual DBR laser for 1.5 um continuous-wave terahertz systems
D De Felipe, M Happach, S Nellen, W Brinker, M Kleinert, C Zawadzki, ...
Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and …, 2016
Recent progress in InP/polymer-based devices for telecom and data center applications
M Kleinert, Z Zhang, D de Felipe, C Zawadzki, AM Novo, W Brinker, ...
Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XIX 9365, 92-105, 2015
Fiber coupled transceiver with 6.5 THz bandwidth for terahertz time-domain spectroscopy in reflection geometry
RB Kohlhaas, L Liebermeister, S Breuer, M Amberg, D Felipe, S Nellen, ...
Sensors 20 (9), 2616, 2020
Hybrid InP-Polymer 30 nm tunable DBR Laser for 10 Gbit/s direct Modulation in the C-Band
H Klein, C Wagner, W Brinker, F Soares, D de Felipe, Z Zhang, ...
2012 International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, 20-21, 2012
Photonics-based millimeter and terahertz wave generation using a hybrid integrated dual DBR polymer laser
G Carpintero, S Hisatake, D De Felipe, R Guzman, T Nagatsuma, N Keil, ...
2016 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), 1-3, 2016
Multi-flow transmitter based on polarization and optical carrier management on optical polymers
V Katopodis, D Felipe, C Tsokos, P Groumas, M Spyropoulou, A Beretta, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28 (11), 1169-1172, 2016
Low-Loss Vertical MMI Coupler for 3D Photonic Integration.
M Nuck, M Kleinert, C Zawadzki, A Scheu, H Conradi, D de Felipe, N Keil, ...
ECOC, 1-3, 2018
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