Francisco Botella Robles
Francisco Botella Robles
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Agricultural ponds as alternative habitat for waterbirds: spatial and temporal patterns of abundance and management strategies
E Sebastián-González, JA Sánchez-Zapata, F Botella
European Journal of wildlife research 56, 11-20, 2010
From regional to global patterns in vertebrate scavenger communities subsidized by big game hunting
P Mateo‐Tomás, PP Olea, M Moleón, J Vicente, F Botella, N Selva, ...
Diversity and Distributions 21 (8), 913-924, 2015
Supplanting ecosystem services provided by scavengers raises greenhouse gas emissions
Z Morales-Reyes, JM Pérez-García, M Moleón, F Botella, M Carrete, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 7811, 2015
Farmer perceptions of the ecosystem services provided by scavengers: what, who, and to whom
Z Morales‐Reyes, B Martín‐López, M Moleón, P Mateo‐Tomás, F Botella, ...
Conservation Letters 11 (2), e12392, 2018
Scavenging in the Anthropocene: Human impact drives vertebrate scavenger species richness at a global scale
E Sebastián‐González, JM Barbosa, JM Pérez‐García, Z Morales‐Reyes, ...
Global change biology 25 (9), 3005-3017, 2019
Breeding waterbirds in relation to artificial pond attributes: implications for the design of irrigation facilities
JA Sánchez-Zapata, JD Anadón, M Carrete, A Giménez, J Navarro, ...
Biodiversity & Conservation 14, 1627-1639, 2005
Testing the heterospecific attraction hypothesis with time-series data on species co-occurrence
E Sebastian-Gonzalez, JA Sanchez-Zapata, F Botella, O Ovaskainen
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1696), 2983-2990, 2010
Spatio-temporal segregation of facultative avian scavengers at ungulate carcasses
M Blazquez, JA Sanchez-Zapata, F Botella, M Carrete, S Eguía
Acta Oecologica 35 (5), 645-650, 2009
Nested species‐rich networks of scavenging vertebrates support high levels of interspecific competition
E Sebastián‐González, M Moleón, JP Gibert, F Botella, P Mateo‐Tomás, ...
Ecology 97 (1), 95-105, 2016
Estimation of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) population in the Dońana area, SW Spain, using capture–recapture analysis of camera-trapping data
G Garrote, R Perez de Ayala, P Pereira, F Robles, N Guzman, FJ García, ...
european Journal of wildlife Research 57, 355-362, 2011
Irrigation pools as macroinvertebrate habitat in a semi-arid agricultural landscape (SE Spain)
P Abellán, D Sánchez-Fernández, A Millán, F Botella, JA Sánchez-Zapata, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 67 (2), 255-269, 2006
Scavenging efficiency and red fox abundance in Mediterranean mountains with and without vultures
Z Morales-Reyes, JA Sánchez-Zapata, E Sebastián-González, F Botella, ...
Acta Oecologica 79, 81-88, 2017
Comparative Infection Progress Analysis of Lettuce big-vein virus and Mirafiori lettuce virus in Lettuce Crops by Developed Molecular Diagnosis Techniques
JA Navarro, F Botella, A Maruhenda, P Sastre, MA Sánchez-Pina, ...
Phytopathology 94 (5), 470-477, 2004
Surfing in tortoises? Empirical signs of genetic structuring owing to range expansion
E Graciá, F Botella, JD Anadón, P Edelaar, DJ Harris, A Giménez
Biology letters 9 (3), 20121091, 2013
Effects of renewable energy production and infrastructure on wildlife
JA Sánchez-Zapata, M Clavero, M Carrete, TL DeVault, V Hermoso, ...
Current trends in wildlife research, 97-123, 2016
An empirical demonstration of the ideal free distribution: Little Grebes Tachybaptus ruficollis breeding in intensive agricultural landscapes
E SEBASTIÁN‐GONZÁLEZ, F Botella, RA Sempere, ...
Ibis 152 (3), 643-650, 2010
Interannual home range variation, territoriality and overlap in breeding Bonelli’s Eagles (Aquila fasciata) tracked by GPS satellite telemetry
JM Pérez-García, A Margalida, I Afonso, E Ferreiro, A Gardiazábal, ...
Journal of Ornithology 154, 63-71, 2013
Network structure of vertebrate scavenger assemblages at the global scale: drivers and ecosystem functioning implications
E Sebastián‐González, Z Morales‐Reyes, F Botella, L Naves‐Alegre, ...
Ecography 43 (8), 1143-1155, 2020
Evaluation of the network of protection areas for the feeding of scavengers in Spain: from biodiversity conservation to greenhouse gas emission savings
Z Morales‐Reyes, JM Pérez‐García, M Moleón, F Botella, M Carrete, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (4), 1120-1129, 2017
Unexpected role of ungulate carcasses in the diet of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in Mediterranean mountains
JA Sánchez‐Zapata, S Eguía, M Blázquez, M Moleón, F Botella
Bird Study 57 (3), 352-360, 2010
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