Aditya Parameswaran
Aditya Parameswaran
Associate Professor, UC Berkeley
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SeeDB: efficient data-driven visualization recommendations to support visual analytics
M Vartak, S Rahman, S Madden, A Parameswaran, N Polyzotis
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 8 (13), 2182-2193, 2015
CrowdScreen: Algorithms for Filtering Data with Humans
A Parameswaran, H Garcia-Molina, H Park, N Polyzotis, A Ramesh, ...
Stanford InfoLab, 2011
Datahub: Collaborative data science & dataset version management at scale
A Bhardwaj, S Bhattacherjee, A Chavan, A Deshpande, AJ Elmore, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.0798, 2014
So who won? Dynamic max discovery with the crowd
S Guo, A Parameswaran, H Garcia-Molina
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMOD international conference on management of …, 2012
Recommendation systems with complex constraints: A course recommendation perspective
A Parameswaran, P Venetis, H Garcia-Molina
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 29 (4), 20, 2011
Recommendation systems with complex constraints: A courserank perspective
A Parameswaran, P Venetis, H Garcia-Molina
Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS)--To Appear, 2011
Human-assisted graph search: it's okay to ask questions
A Parameswaran, AD Sarma, H Garcia-Molina, N Polyzotis, J Widom
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 4 (5), 267-278, 2011
Effortless data exploration with zenvisage: an expressive and interactive visual analytics system
T Siddiqui, A Kim, J Lee, K Karahalios, A Parameswaran
arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.03583, 2016
Challenges in data crowdsourcing
H Garcia-Molina, M Joglekar, A Marcus, A Parameswaran, V Verroios
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28 (4), 901-911, 2016
Towards visualization recommendation systems
M Vartak, S Huang, T Siddiqui, S Madden, A Parameswaran
Acm Sigmod Record 45 (4), 34-39, 2017
Accelerating human-in-the-loop machine learning: Challenges and opportunities
D Xin, L Ma, J Liu, S Macke, S Song, A Parameswaran
Proceedings of the second workshop on data management for end-to-end machine …, 2018
Answering queries using humans, algorithms and databases
A Parameswaran, N Polyzotis
Stanford InfoLab, 2011
Deco: Declarative Crowdsourcing
A Parameswaran, H Park, H Garcia-Molina, N Polyzotis, J Widom
Stanford InfoLab, 2012
Fuzzy Joins Using MapReduce
FN Afrati, AD Sarma, D Menestrina, A Parameswaran, JD Ullman
Stanford InfoLab, 2012
Active Sampling for Entity Matching
K Bellare, S Iyengar, A Parameswaran, V Rastogi
Stanford InfoLab, 2012
Evaluating the crowd with confidence
M Joglekar, H Garcia-Molina, A Parameswaran
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2013
Rapid sampling for visualizations with ordering guarantees
A Kim, E Blais, A Parameswaran, P Indyk, S Madden, R Rubinfeld
Proceedings of the vldb endowment international conference on very large …, 2015
Interactive data exploration with smart drill-down
M Joglekar, H Garcia-Molina, A Parameswaran
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 31 (1), 46-60, 2017
Towards scalable dataframe systems
D Petersohn, S Macke, D Xin, W Ma, D Lee, X Mo, JE Gonzalez, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.00888, 2020
Towards the web of concepts: Extracting concepts from large datasets
A Parameswaran, H Garcia-Molina, A Rajaraman
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 3 (1-2), 566-577, 2010
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