Óscar Pueyo Anchuela
Óscar Pueyo Anchuela
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Detection of underground cavities by combining gravity, magnetic and ground penetrating radar surveys: a case study from the Zaragoza area, NE Spain
T Mochales, AM Casas, EL Pueyo, O Pueyo, MT Román, A Pocoví, ...
Environmental Geology 53 (5), 1067-1077, 2008
Disentangling magnetic subfabrics and their link to deformation processes in cleaved sedimentary rocks from the Internal Sierras (west central Pyrenees, Spain)
B Oliva-Urcia, JC Larrasoaña, EL Pueyo, A Gil, P Mata, JM Parés, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 31 (2), 163-176, 2009
Characterization of karst hazards from the perspective of the doline triangle using GPR—Examples from Central Ebro Basin (Spain)
Ó Pueyo-Anchuela, A Pocoví Juan, A Soriano, AM Casas-Sainz
Engineering Geology 108 (3), 225-236, 2009
Mapping subsurface karst features with GPR: results and limitations
Ó Pueyo-Anchuela, AM Casas-Sainz, MA Soriano, A Pocoví-Juan
Environmental geology 58 (2), 391-399, 2009
A geophysical survey routine for the detection of doline areas in the surroundings of Zaragoza (NE Spain)
Ó Pueyo-Anchuela, AM Casas-Sainz, MA Soriano, A Pocoví-Juan
Engineering Geology 114 (3-4), 382-396, 2010
Internal characterization of embankment dams using ground penetrating radar (GPR) and thermographic analysis: A case study of the Medau Zirimilis Dam (Sardinia, Italy)
Ó Pueyo Anchuela, P Frongia, F Di Gregorio, AMC Sainz, AP Juan
Engineering Geology 237, 129-139, 2018
Vertical axis rotations in fold and thrust belts: Comparison of AMS and paleomagnetic data in the Western External Sierras (Southern Pyrenees)
Ó Pueyo Anchuela, EL Pueyo, A Pocoví Juan, A Gil Imaz
Tectonophysics 532 (535), 119-133, 2012
Assessing karst hazards in urbanized areas. Case study and methodological considerations in the mantle karst from Zaragoza city (NE Spain)
Ó Pueyo Anchuela, AM Casas Sainz, A Pocoví Juan, H Gil Garbí
Engineering Geology 184, 29-42, 2015
Geochemistry of alkaline basalts of Corvo Island (Azores, Portugal): preliminary data
Z França, M Lago, JC Nunes, C Galé, VH Forjaz, Ó Pueyo, E Arranz
Geogaceta 40, 87-90, 2006
Geophysical characterization of buried active faults: the Concud Fault (Iberian Chain, NE Spain)
Ó Pueyo Anchuela, P Lafuente, L Arlegui, CL Liesa, JL Simón
International Journal of Earth Sciences 105, 2221-2239, 2016
Paleomagnetism from Deception Island (South Shetlands archipelago, Antarctica), new insights into the interpretation of the volcanic evolution using a geomagnetic model
B Oliva-Urcia, I Gil-Peña, A Maestro, J López-Martínez, J Galindo-Zaldívar, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 105, 1353-1370, 2016
Strain indicators and magnetic fabric in intraplate fault zones: Case study of Daroca thrust, Iberian Chain, Spain
AM Casas-Sainz, A Gil-Imaz, JL Simón, E Izquierdo-Llavall, L Aldega, ...
Tectonophysics 730, 29-47, 2018
Spatial and temporal variation of palaeoseismic activity at an intraplate, historically quiescent structure: the Concud fault (Iberian Chain, Spain)
P Lafuente, LE Arlegui, CL Liesa, Ó Pueyo, JL Simón
Tectonophysics 632, 167-187, 2014
Tectonic imprint in magnetic fabrics in foreland basins: a case study from the Ebro Basin, N Spain
Ó Pueyo Anchuela, A Pocoví Juan, A Gil Imaz
Tectonophysics 492 (1), 150-163, 2010
Magnetic fabrics in the Western Central-Pyrenees: An overview
A Pocoví Juan, Ó Pueyo Anchuela, EL Pueyo, AM Casas-Sainz, ...
Tectonophysics 629, 303-318, 2014
Actual extension of sinkholes: Considerations about geophysical, geomorphological, and field inspection techniques in urban planning projects in the Ebro basin (NE Spain)
Ó Pueyo Anchuela, A Pocoví Juan, AM Casas-Sainz, D Ansón-López, ...
Geomorphology 189, 135-149, 2013
Geometría y cinemática de la zona de relevo entre las fallas neógeno-cuaternarias de Concud y Teruel (Cordillera Ibérica
P Lafuente Tomás, LE Arlegui, I Casado, LE Ruíz, CL Liesa, Ó Pueyo, ...
Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España 24 (1), 117-134, 2011
Integrated geophysical and building damages study of karst effects in the urban area of Alcalá de Ebro, Spain
Ó Pueyo-Anchuela, AM Casas-Sainz, MA Soriano, A Pocoví Juan, ...
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues 252 54 (2), 221-236, 2010
Combination of electromagnetic, geophysical methods and sedimentological studies for the development of 3D models in alluvial sediments affected by karst (Ebro Basin, NE Spain)
Ó Pueyo Anchuela, A Luzón, H Gil Garbi, A Pérez, A Pocoví Juan, ...
Journal of Applied Geophysics 102, 81-95, 2014
Three dimensional characterization of complex mantled karst structures. Decision making and engineering solutions applied to a road overlying evaporite rocks in the Ebro Basin …
Ó Pueyo Anchuela, P López Julián, AM Casas Sainz, CL Liesa, ...
Engineering Geology 193, 158-172, 2015
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Articles 1–20