Ghanem Soltana
Cited by
Cited by
Using models to enable compliance checking against the GDPR: an experience report
D Torre, G Soltana, M Sabetzadeh, LC Briand, Y Auffinger, P Goes
2019 ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering …, 2019
Synthetic data generation for statistical testing
G Soltana, M Sabetzadeh, LC Briand
2017 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2017
Practical constraint solving for generating system test data
G Soltana, M Sabetzadeh, LC Briand
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 29 (2), 1-48, 2020
Modeling data protection and privacy: application and experience with GDPR
D Torre, M Alferez, G Soltana, M Sabetzadeh, L Briand
Software and Systems Modeling 20, 2071-2087, 2021
Using UML for modeling procedural legal rules: Approach and a study of Luxembourg’s Tax Law
G Soltana, E Fourneret, M Adedjouma, M Sabetzadeh, L Briand
Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 17th International …, 2014
Model-based simulation of legal policies: Framework, tool support, and validation
G Soltana, N Sannier, M Sabetzadeh, LC Briand
Software & Systems Modeling 17, 851-883, 2018
Model-based simulation of legal requirements: Experience from tax policy simulation
G Soltana, M Sabetzadeh, LC Briand
2016 ieee 24th international requirements engineering conference (re), 303-312, 2016
Model driven engineering for data protection and privacy: Application and experience with GDPR
D Torre, M Alferez, G Soltana, M Sabetzadeh, L Briand
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.12046, 2020
A model-based framework for probabilistic simulation of legal policies
G Soltana, N Sannier, M Sabetzadeh, LC Briand
2015 ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering …, 2015
Practical model-driven data generation for system testing
G Soltana, M Sabetzadeh, LC Briand
CoRR abs/1902.00397, 2019
Using models to enable compliance checking against the GDPR: an experience report. In 2019 ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and …
D Torre, G Soltana, M Sabetzadeh, LC Briand, Y Auffinger, P Goes
IEEE, 1ś11, 2019
A Model-Based Framework for Legal Policy Simulation and Legal Compliance Checking
G Soltana
Doctoral Symposium co-located with 18th ACM/IEEE International Conference on …, 2015
A Model-Based Framework for Legal Policy Simulation and Compliance Checking
G Soltana
Unilu-University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2017
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Articles 1–13