Panos Panagos
Cited by
Cited by
An assessment of the global impact of 21st century land use change on soil erosion
P Borrelli, DA Robinson, LR Fleischer, E Lugato, C Ballabio, C Alewell, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1-13, 2017
The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe
P Panagos, P Borrelli, J Poesen, E Lugato, C Ballabio, K Meurburger, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 54, 438-447, 2015
Land use and climate change impacts on global soil erosion by water (2015-2070)
P Borrelli, DA Robinson, P Panagos, E Lugato, JE Yang, C Alewell, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (36), 21994-22001, 2020
Estimating the soil erosion cover-management factor at the European scale
P Panagos, P Borrelli, K Meusburger, C Alewell, E Lugato, L Montanarella
Land use policy 48, 38-50, 2015
Rainfall erosivity in Europe
P Panagos, C Ballabio, P Borrelli, K Meusburger, A Klik, S Rousseva, ...
Science of the Total Environment 511, 801-814, 2015
European Soil Data Centre: Response to European policy support and public data requirements
P Panagos, M Van Liedekerke, A Jones, L Montanarella
Land Use Policy 29 (2), 329–338, 2011
Contaminated sites in Europe: Review of the current situation based on data collected through a European Network
P Panagos, M Van Liedekerke, Y Yigini, L Montanarella
Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2013
Using the USLE: Chances, challenges and limitations of soil erosion modelling
C Alewell, P Borrelli, K Meusburger, P Panagos
International soil and water conservation research 7 (3), 203-225, 2019
Global phosphorus shortage will be aggravated by soil erosion
C Alewell, B Ringeval, C Ballabio, DA Robinson, P Panagos, P Borrelli
Nature communications 11 (1), 4546, 2020
Soil erodibility in Europe: A high-resolution dataset based on LUCAS
P Panagos, K Meusburger, C Ballabio, P Borrelli, C Alewell
Science of the total environment 479, 189-200, 2014
Global rainfall erosivity assessment based on high-temporal resolution rainfall records
P Panagos, P Borrelli, K Meusburger, B Yu, A Klik, K Jae Lim, JE Yang, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-12, 2017
Soil erosion modelling: A global review and statistical analysis
P Borrelli, C Alewell, P Alvarez, JAA Anache, J Baartman, C Ballabio, ...
Science of the total environment 780, 146494, 2021
LUCAS Soil, the largest expandable soil dataset for Europe: a review
A Orgiazzi, C Ballabio, P Panagos, A Jones, O Fernández‐Ugalde
European Journal of Soil Science 69 (1), 140-153, 2018
Mapping topsoil physical properties at European scale using the LUCAS database
C Ballabio, P Panagos, L Monatanarella
Geoderma 261, 110-123, 2016
The relevance of sustainable soil management within the European Green Deal
L Montanarella, P Panagos
Land use policy 100, 104950, 2021
A new European slope length and steepness factor (LS-Factor) for modeling soil erosion by water
P Panagos, P Borrelli, K Meusburger
Geosciences 5 (2), 117-126, 2015
Cost of agricultural productivity loss due to soil erosion in the European Union: From direct cost evaluation approaches to the use of macroeconomic models
P Panagos, G Standardi, P Borrelli, E Lugato, L Montanarella, F Bosello
Land degradation & development 29 (3), 471-484, 2018
Modelling the effect of support practices (P-factor) on the reduction of soil erosion by water at European scale
P Panagos, P Borrelli, K Meusburger, EH Van Der Zanden, J Poesen, ...
Environmental science & policy 51, 23-34, 2015
Copper distribution in European topsoils: An assessment based on LUCAS soil survey
C Ballabio, P Panagos, E Lugato, JH Huang, A Orgiazzi, A Jones, ...
Science of the Total Environment 636, 282-298, 2018
Different climate sensitivity of particulate and mineral-associated soil organic matter
E Lugato, JM Lavallee, ML Haddix, P Panagos, MF Cotrufo
Nature Geoscience 14 (5), 295-300, 2021
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Articles 1–20