Georg Krispel
Georg Krispel
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Zitiert von
Fuseseg: Lidar point cloud segmentation fusing multi-modal data
G Krispel, M Opitz, G Waltner, H Possegger, H Bischof
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2020
OccAM's Laser: Occlusion-Based Attribution Maps for 3D Object Detectors on LiDAR Data
D Schinagl, G Krispel, H Possegger, PM Roth, H Bischof
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
MAELi: Masked Autoencoder for Large-Scale LiDAR Point Clouds
G Krispel, D Schinagl, C Fruhwirth-Reisinger, H Possegger, H Bischof
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2024
Towards Data-driven Multi-target Tracking for Autonomous Driving
C Fruhwirth-Reisinger, G Krispel, H Possegger, H Bischof
Computer Vision Winter Workshop (CVWW), 2020
GACE: Geometry Aware Confidence Enhancement for Black-Box 3D Object Detectors on LiDAR-Data
D Schinagl, G Krispel, C Fruhwirth-Reisinger, H Possegger, H Bischof
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2023
Semi-supervised Detector Training with Prototypes for Vehicle Detection
G Waltner, M Opitz, G Krispel, H Possegger, H Bischof
2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 4261-4266, 2019
Multiple Frame Integration for OCR on Mobile Devices
G Krispel
Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, 2016
Supplemental Material for OccAM’s Laser: Occlusion-based Attribution Maps for 3D Object Detectors on LiDAR Data
D Schinagl, G Krispel, H Possegger, PM Roth, H Bischof
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Artikel 1–8