Cyrille Violle
Cyrille Violle
Researcher - CNRS
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Let the concept of trait be functional!
C Violle, ML Navas, D Vile, E Kazakou, C Fortunel, I Hummel, E Garnier
Oikos 116 (5), 882-892, 2007
TRY–a global database of plant traits
J Kattge, S Diaz, S Lavorel, IC Prentice, P Leadley, G Bönisch, E Garnier, ...
Global change biology 17 (9), 2905-2935, 2011
The return of the variance: intraspecific variability in community ecology
C Violle, BJ Enquist, BJ McGill, LIN Jiang, CH Albert, C Hulshof, V Jung, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 27 (4), 244-252, 2012
TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access
J Kattge, G Bönisch, S Díaz
Global change biology 26, 119-188, 2020
A global meta‐analysis of the relative extent of intraspecific trait variation in plant communities
A Siefert, C Violle, L Chalmandrier, CH Albert, A Taudiere, A Fajardo, ...
Ecology letters 18 (12), 1406-1419, 2015
Intraspecific variability and trait‐based community assembly
V Jung, C Violle, C Mondy, L Hoffmann, S Muller
Journal of ecology 98 (5), 1134-1140, 2010
The emergence and promise of functional biogeography
C Violle, PB Reich, SW Pacala, BJ Enquist, J Kattge
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (38), 13690-13696, 2014
The n‐dimensional hypervolume
B Blonder, C Lamanna, C Violle, BJ Enquist
Global Ecology and Biogeography 23 (5), 595-609, 2014
When and how should intraspecific variability be considered in trait-based plant ecology?
CH Albert, F Grassein, FM Schurr, G Vieilledent, C Violle
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 13 (3), 217-225, 2011
Global trait–environment relationships of plant communities
H Bruelheide, J Dengler, O Purschke, J Lenoir, B Jiménez-Alfaro, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (12), 1906-1917, 2018
Increasing crop heterogeneity enhances multitrophic diversity across agricultural regions
C Sirami, N Gross, AB Baillod, C Bertrand, R Carrié, A Hass, L Henckel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (33), 16442-16447, 2019
Phylogenetic limiting similarity and competitive exclusion
C Violle, DR Nemergut, Z Pu, L Jiang
Ecology letters 14 (8), 782-787, 2011
Community assembly along a soil depth gradient: contrasting patterns of plant trait convergence and divergence in a M editerranean rangeland
M Bernard‐Verdier, ML Navas, M Vellend, C Violle, A Fayolle, E Garnier
Journal of Ecology 100 (6), 1422-1433, 2012
Scaling from traits to ecosystems: developing a general trait driver theory via integrating trait-based and metabolic scaling theories
BJ Enquist, J Norberg, SP Bonser, C Violle, CT Webb, A Henderson, ...
Advances in ecological research 52, 249-318, 2015
Functional trait space and the latitudinal diversity gradient
C Lamanna, B Blonder, C Violle, NJB Kraft, B Sandel, I Šímová, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (38), 13745-13750, 2014
Functional rarity: the ecology of outliers
C Violle, W Thuiller, N Mouquet, F Munoz, NJB Kraft, MW Cadotte, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32 (5), 356-367, 2017
The bien r package: A tool to access the Botanical Information and Ecology Network (BIEN) database
BS Maitner, B Boyle, N Casler, R Condit, J Donoghue, SM Durán, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (2), 373-379, 2018
Climate, soil and plant functional types as drivers of global fine‐root trait variation
GT Freschet, OJ Valverde‐Barrantes, CM Tucker, JM Craine, ...
Journal of Ecology 105 (5), 1182-1196, 2017
A global Fine‐Root Ecology Database to address below‐ground challenges in plant ecology
CM Iversen, ML McCormack, AS Powell, CB Blackwood, GT Freschet, ...
New Phytologist 215 (1), 15-26, 2017
Intraspecific trait variability mediates the response of subalpine grassland communities to extreme drought events
V Jung, CH Albert, C Violle, G Kunstler, G Loucougaray, T Spiegelberger
Journal of ecology 102 (1), 45-53, 2014
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Articles 1–20