Paul A. Zandbergen
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Ecologically sustainable organizations: An institutional approach
PD Jennings, PA Zandbergen
Academy of Management Review, 1015-1052, 1995
Accuracy of iPhone locations: A comparison of assisted GPS, WiFi and cellular positioning
PA Zandbergen
Transactions in GIS 13 (s1), 5-25, 2009
Positional accuracy of assisted gps data from high-sensitivity GPS-enabled mobile phones
PA Zandbergen, SJ Barbeau
Journal of Navigation 64 (03), 381-399, 2011
A comparison of address point, parcel and street geocoding techniques
PA Zandbergen
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 32 (3), 214-232, 2008
Kernel density estimation and hotspot mapping: Examining the influence of interpolation method, grid cell size, and bandwidth on crime forecasting
T Hart, P Zandbergen
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 37 (2 …, 2014
Reducing housing options for convicted sex offenders: Investigating the impact of residency restriction laws using GIS
PA Zandbergen, TC Hart
Justice Research and Policy 8 (2), 1-24, 2006
Ensuring Confidentiality of Geocoded Health Data: Assessing Geographic Masking Strategies for Individual-Level Data
PA Zandbergen
Advances in Medicine 2014, 2014
Positional Accuracy of Spatial Data: Non‐Normal Distributions and a Critique of the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy
PA Zandbergen
Transactions in GIS 12 (1), 103-130, 2008
High-resolution spatio-temporal modeling of public transit accessibility
CP Tribby, PA Zandbergen
Applied Geography 34, 345-355, 2012
Analysis of the British Columbia water quality index for watershed managers: a case study of two small watersheds
PA Zandbergen, KJ Hall
Water Qual. Res. J. Canada 33 (4), 1998
Comparison of Dasymetric Mapping Techniques for Small-Area Population Estimates
PA Zandbergen, DA Ignizio
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 37 (3), 199-214, 2010
Residential Proximity to Schools and Daycares An Empirical Analysis of Sex Offense Recidivism
PA Zandbergen, JS Levenson, TC Hart
Criminal Justice and Behavior 37 (5), 482-502, 2010
Geocoding quality and implications for spatial analysis
PA Zandbergen
Geography Compass 3 (2), 647-680, 2009
Children at risk: Measuring racial/ethnic disparities in potential exposure to air pollution at school and home
J Chakraborty, PA Zandbergen
Journal of epidemiology and community health 61 (12), 1074-1079, 2007
Influence of geocoding quality on environmental exposure assessment of children living near high traffic roads
PA Zandbergen
BMC public health 7 (1), 37, 2007
Python Scripting for ArcGIS
PA Zandbergen
ESRI Press, Redlands, CA, 2013
Positional accuracy of the wide area augmentation system in consumer-grade GPS units
LL Arnold, PA Zandbergen
Computers & Geosciences 37 (7), 883-892, 2011
Error and bias in determining exposure potential of children at school locations using proximity-based GIS techniques
PA Zandbergen, JW Green
Environmental Health Perspectives, 1363-1370, 2007
Distance decreases with differentiation: Strategic agglomeration by retailers
GA Picone, DB Ridley, PA Zandbergen
International Journal of Industrial Organization 27 (3), 463-473, 2009
Vehicle-related mortality and road crossing behavior of the Florida panther
AC Schwab, PA Zandbergen
Applied Geography 31 (2), 859-870, 2011
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