Sergio Fernández
Sergio Fernández
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SIOC Core Ontology Specification
U Bojars, JG Breslin, D Berrueta, D Brickley, S Decker, S Fernández, ...
W3C Member Submission, 2007
SIOC: Content exchange and semantic interoperability between social networks
J Breslin, U Bojars, A Passant, S Fernandez, S Decker
Neologism: Easy vocabulary publishing
C Basca, S Corlosquet, R Cyganiak, S Fernández, T Schandl
A twitter sentiment gold standard for the brexit referendum
M Hürlimann, B Davis, K Cortis, A Freitas, S Handschuh, S Fernández
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on semantic systems, 193-196, 2016
Cooking HTTP content negotiation with Vapour
D Berrueta, S Fernández, I Frade
Proceedings of 4th Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web (SFSW2008) 72, 2008
Smushing RDF instances: are Alice and Bob the same open source developer?
L Shi, D Berrueta, S Fernández, L Polo, S Fernández
PICKME Workshop, 2008
Metadata for web ontologies and rules: current practices and perspectives
C Tejo-Alonso, D Berrueta, L Polo, S Fernández
Research Conference on Metadata and Semantic Research, 56-67, 2011
Mailing lists meet the semantic web
S Fernández, D Berrueta, JE Labra
Proc. of the BIS 2007 Workshop on Social Aspects of the Web, Poznan, Poland, 2007
In or out? Real-time monitoring of BREXIT sentiment on Twitter
L Vasiliu, A Freitas, F Caroli, R McDermott, M Zarrouk, M Hürlimann, ...
SEMANTiCS 2016, 2016
eZaragoza, a tourist promotional mashup
C Tejo-Alonso, S Fernández, D Berrueta, L Polo, MJ Fernández, V Morlán
GENL+].: http://sites. google. com/a/fh-hannover. de/aimashup/home/ezaragoza …, 2010
RDFohloh, a RDF wrapper of Ohloh
S Fernández
The 7th International Semantic Web Conference, 64, 2008
SIOC core ontology specification
U Bojārs, JG Breslin, D Berrueta, D Brickley, S Decker, S Fernández, ...
W3C Member Submission 12, 2007
D6. 1.1 MICO system architecture and development guide
S Schaffert, S Fernández
Deliverable, MICO, 2014
Current practices and perspectives for metadata on web ontologies and rules
C Tejo-Alonso, D Berrueta, L Polo, S Fernández
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 7 (2), 93-100, 2012
TRIOO: Keeping the semantics of data safe and sound into object-oriented software
S Fernández, D Berrueta Muñoz, M García Rodríguez, JE Labra Gayo
ICSOFT 2010-Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and …, 2010
SIOC Ontology: Application and Implementation Status
S Fernández, F Giasson, K Idehen
Tech. rep. DERI Galway, May,.: http://rdfs. org/sioc/applications/(visited …, 2007
Recent advances in electrocatalytic CO2 reduction with molecular complexes
S Fernández, GCD Bandomo, J Lloret-Fillol
Advances in Inorganic Chemistry 79, 301-353, 2022
The Dual Effect of Coordinating −NH Groups and Light in the Electrochemical CO2 Reduction with Pyridylamino Co Complexes
S Fernández, S Cañellas, F Franco, JM Luis, MÀ Pericàs, J Lloret‐Fillol
ChemElectroChem 8 (23), 4456-4465, 2021
SpecGen v–ontology specification generator tool
S Fernández, U Bojars, C Schmidt
A semantic web approach to publish and consume mailing lists
S Fernández, D Berrueta, JE Labra
International Journal on WWW/Internet 6 (1), 2008
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Articles 1–20