Joseph A. Cook
Joseph A. Cook
Professor of Biology, University of New Mexico
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Genetic footprints of demographic expansion in North America, but not Amazonia, during the Late Quaternary
EP Lessa, JA Cook, JL Patton
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (18), 10331-10334, 2003
Comparative genomics of the major parasitic worms
Nature genetics 51 (1), 163-174, 2019
Holarctic phylogeography of the root vole (Microtus oeconomus): implications for late Quaternary biogeography of high latitudes
C Brunhoff, KE Galbreath, VB Fedorov, JA Cook, M Jaarola
Molecular ecology 12 (4), 957-968, 2003
Digitization and the future of natural history collections
BP Hedrick, JM Heberling, EK Meineke, KG Turner, CJ Grassa, DS Park, ...
BioScience 70 (3), 243-251, 2020
The molecular phylogenetics of tuco-tucos (genusCtenomys, Rodentia: Octodontidae) suggests an early burst of speciation
EP Lessa, JA Cook
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 9 (1), 88-99, 1998
Microsatellite markers for American mink (Mustela vison) and ermine (Mustela erminea).
MA Fleming, EA Ostrander, JA Cook
Molecular ecology 8 (8), 1999
Phylogeography of a post‐glacial colonizer: Microtus longicaudus (Rodentia: Muridae)
CJ Conroy, JA Cook
Molecular Ecology 9 (2), 165-175, 2000
Molecular Systematics of a Holarctic Rodent (Microtus: Muridae)
CJ Conroy, JA Cook
Journal of Mammalogy 81 (2), 344-359, 2000
MtDNA evidence for repeated pulses of speciation within arvicoline and murid rodents
CJ Conroy, JA Cook
Journal of Mammalian Evolution 6, 221-245, 1999
Arctic biodiversity assessment: status and trends in Arctic biodiversity
D Payer, T Barry, D Berteaux, H Bültmann, JS Cristiansen, JA Cook, ...
Narayana Press, 2013
The Global Museum: natural history collections and the future of evolutionary science and public education
FT Bakker, A Antonelli, JA Clarke, JA Cook, SV Edwards, PGP Ericson, ...
PeerJ 8, e8225, 2020
Phylogeography of endemic ermine (Mustela erminea) in southeast Alaska
MA Fleming, JA Cook
Molecular Ecology 11 (4), 795-807, 2002
Isolation and Characterization of a Hantavirus from Lemmus sibiricus: Evidence for Host Switch during Hantavirus Evolution
O Vapalahti, Å Lundkvist, V Fedorov, CJ Conroy, S Hirvonen, ...
Journal of Virology 73 (7), 5586-5592, 1999
Recurrent Amplifications and Deletions of Satellite DNA Accompanied Chromosomal Diversification in South American Tuco-tucos (Genus Ctenomys, Rodentia …
CH Slamovits, JA Cook, EP Lessa, M Susana Rossi
Molecular Biology and Evolution 18 (9), 1708-1719, 2001
The next generation of natural history collections
DE Schindel, JA Cook
PLoS Biology 16 (7), e2006125, 2018
Handbook of the Mammals of the World 7. Rodents II
DE Wilson, T Lacher, RE Mittermeier
Phylogeography of the dusky shrew, Sorex monticolus (Insectivora, Soricidae): insight into deep and shallow history in northwestern North America
JR Demboski, JA Cook
Molecular Ecology 10 (5), 1227-1240, 2001
Genetic consequences of Pleistocene glaciations for the tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus) in Beringia
KE Galbreath, JA Cook
Molecular Ecology 13 (1), 135-148, 2004
Natural history collections as emerging resources for innovative education
JA Cook, SV Edwards, EA Lacey, RP Guralnick, PS Soltis, DE Soltis, ...
BioScience 64 (8), 725-734, 2014
Natural history collections-based research: progress, promise, and best practices
BS McLean, KC Bell, JL Dunnum, B Abrahamson, JP Colella, ...
Journal of mammalogy 97 (1), 287-297, 2016
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