James Stinear
James Stinear
Associate Professor, University of Auckland
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Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and metabolic syndrome components in young adults: A pooled analysis
PB Nolan, G Carrick-Ranson, JW Stinear, SA Reading, LC Dalleck
Preventive medicine reports 7, 211-215, 2017
Rewiring the brain: potential role of the premotor cortex in motor control, learning, and recovery of function following brain injury
SS Kantak, JW Stinear, ER Buch, LG Cohen
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 26 (3), 282-292, 2012
Rhythmic bilateral movement training modulates corticomotor excitability and enhances upper limb motricity poststroke: a pilot study
JW Stinear, WD Byblow
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 21 (2), 124-131, 2004
Primary motor and premotor cortex in implicit sequence learning–evidence for competition between implicit and explicit human motor memory systems
SS Kantak, CK Mummidisetty, JW Stinear
European Journal of Neuroscience 36 (5), 2710-2715, 2012
Non-invasive brain stimulation enhances fine motor control of the hemiparetic ankle: implications for rehabilitation
S Madhavan, KA Weber, JW Stinear
Experimental brain research 209, 9-17, 2011
Disinhibition in the human motor cortex is enhanced by synchronous upper limb movements
JW Stinear, WD Byblow
The Journal of physiology 543 (1), 307-316, 2002
Focal and bidirectional modulation of lower limb motor cortex using anodal transcranial direct current stimulation
S Madhavan, JW Stinear
Brain stimulation 3 (1), 42-50, 2010
Relationships between functional and structural corticospinal tract integrity and walking post stroke
G Jayaram, CJ Stagg, P Esser, U Kischka, J Stinear, H Johansen-Berg
Clinical Neurophysiology 123 (12), 2422-2428, 2012
A paradox: after stroke, the non‐lesioned lower limb motor cortex may be maladaptive
S Madhavan, LM Rogers, JW Stinear
European Journal of Neuroscience 32 (6), 1032-1039, 2010
The use of transcranial magnetic stimulation to evaluate cortical excitability of lower limb musculature: challenges and opportunities
TM Kesar, JW Stinear, SL Wolf
Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 36 (3), 333-348, 2018
The effects of transcranial stimulation on paretic lower limb motor excitability during walking
G Jayaram, JW Stinear
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 26 (4), 272-279, 2009
Stimulation‐induced changes in lower limb corticomotor excitability during treadmill walking in humans
JW Stinear, TG Hornby
The Journal of physiology 567 (2), 701-711, 2005
Contralesional paired associative stimulation increases paretic lower limb motor excitability post-stroke
G Jayaram, JW Stinear
Experimental brain research 185, 563-570, 2008
Revisiting interhemispheric imbalance in chronic stroke: a tDCS study
AB McCambridge, JW Stinear, WD Byblow
Clinical Neurophysiology 129 (1), 42-50, 2018
Corticospinal tract integrity correlates with knee extensor weakness in chronic stroke survivors
S Madhavan, C Krishnan, A Jayaraman, WZ Rymer, JW Stinear
Clinical neurophysiology 122 (8), 1588-1594, 2011
The subdominant hand increases the efficacy of voluntary alterations in bimanual coordination
WD Byblow, GN Lewis, JW Stinear, NJ Austin, M Lynch
Experimental brain research 131, 366-374, 2000
The contribution of cervical propriospinal premotoneurons in recovering hemiparetic stroke patients
JW Stinear, WD Byblow
Journal of clinical neurophysiology 21 (6), 426-434, 2004
An interhemispheric asymmetry in motor cortex disinhibition during bimanual movement
JW Stinear, WD Byblow
Brain research 1022 (1-2), 81-87, 2004
Effects of a single session of high intensity interval treadmill training on corticomotor excitability following stroke: implications for therapy
S Madhavan, JW Stinear, N Kanekar
Neural plasticity 2016 (1), 1686414, 2016
The effect of intensive nutrition interventions on weight gain after kidney transplantation: protocol of a randomised controlled trial
KJ Ryan, JMS Casas, LE Mash, SL McLellan, LE Lloyd, JW Stinear, ...
BMC nephrology 15, 1-9, 2014
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