Tim R. McVicar
Tim R. McVicar
CSIRO Environment
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Present and future Köppen-Geiger climate classification maps at 1-km resolution
HE Beck, NE Zimmermann, TR McVicar, N Vergopolan, A Berg, EF Wood
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-12, 2018
Estimating land surface evaporation: A review of methods using remotely sensed surface temperature data
JD Kalma, TR McVicar, MF McCabe
Surveys in Geophysics 29, 421-469, 2008
Global review and synthesis of trends in observed terrestrial near-surface wind speeds: Implications for evaporation
TR McVicar, ML Roderick, RJ Donohue, LT Li, TG Van Niel, A Thomas, ...
Journal of Hydrology 416, 182-205, 2012
MSWEP V2 global 3-hourly 0.1 precipitation: methodology and quantitative assessment
HE Beck, EF Wood, M Pan, CK Fisher, DG Miralles, AIJM Van Dijk, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (3), 473-500, 2019
Multi-decadal trends in global terrestrial evapotranspiration and its components
Y Zhang, JL Peña-Arancibia, TR McVicar, FHS Chiew, J Vaze, C Liu, X Lu, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 19124, 2016
Estimating actual, potential, reference crop and pan evaporation using standard meteorological data: a pragmatic synthesis
TA McMahon, MC Peel, L Lowe, R Srikanthan, TR McVicar
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (4), 1331-1363, 2013
Preprocessing EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral data to support the application of agricultural indexes
B Datt, TR McVicar, TG Van Niel, DLB Jupp, JS Pearlman
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 41 (6), 1246-1259, 2003
Coupled estimation of 500 m and 8-day resolution global evapotranspiration and gross primary production in 2002–2017
Y Zhang, D Kong, R Gan, FHS Chiew, TR McVicar, Q Zhang, Y Yang
Remote sensing of environment 222, 165-182, 2019
Impact of CO2 fertilization on maximum foliage cover across the globe's warm, arid environments
RJ Donohue, ML Roderick, TR McVicar, GD Farquhar
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (12), 3031-3035, 2013
On the importance of including vegetation dynamics in Budyko's hydrological model
RJ Donohue, ML Roderick, TR McVicar
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 11 (2), 983-995, 2007
Present and future Köppen-Geiger climate classification maps at 1-km resolution. Sci Data 5: 180214
HE Beck, NE Zimmermann, TR McVicar, N Vergopolan, A Berg, EF Wood
Assessing the ability of potential evaporation formulations to capture the dynamics in evaporative demand within a changing climate
RJ Donohue, TR McVicar, ML Roderick
Journal of Hydrology 386 (1-4), 186-197, 2010
Wind speed climatology and trends for Australia, 1975–2006: Capturing the stilling phenomenon and comparison with near‐surface reanalysis output
TR McVicar, TG Van Niel, LT Li, ML Roderick, DP Rayner, L Ricciardulli, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (20), 2008
Roots, storms and soil pores: Incorporating key ecohydrological processes into Budyko’s hydrological model
RJ Donohue, ML Roderick, TR McVicar
Journal of Hydrology 436, 35-50, 2012
Multifaceted characteristics of dryland aridity changes in a warming world
X Lian, S Piao, A Chen, C Huntingford, B Fu, LZX Li, J Huang, J Sheffield, ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 2 (4), 232-250, 2021
Integrating the evidence for a terrestrial carbon sink caused by increasing atmospheric CO2
AP Walker, MG De Kauwe, A Bastos, S Belmecheri, K Georgiou, ...
New phytologist 229 (5), 2413-2445, 2021
Global evaluation of four AVHRR–NDVI data sets: Intercomparison and assessment against Landsat imagery
HE Beck, TR McVicar, AIJM van Dijk, J Schellekens, RAM de Jeu, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (10), 2547-2563, 2011
Spatially distributing monthly reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation considering topographic influences
TR McVicar, TG Van Niel, LT Li, MF Hutchinson, XM Mu, ZH Liu
Journal of hydrology 338 (3-4), 196-220, 2007
Global‐scale regionalization of hydrologic model parameters
HE Beck, AIJM van Dijk, A De Roo, DG Miralles, TR McVicar, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (5), 3599-3622, 2016
Contrasting responses of water use efficiency to drought across global terrestrial ecosystems
Y Yang, H Guan, O Batelaan, TR McVicar, D Long, S Piao, W Liang, B Liu, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23284, 2016
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