Anouck Girard
Anouck Girard
Professor of Robotics and Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan
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Border patrol and surveillance missions using multiple unmanned air vehicles
AR Girard, AS Howell, JK Hedrick
2004 43rd IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC)(IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
Game theoretic modeling of driver and vehicle interactions for verification and validation of autonomous vehicle control systems
N Li, DW Oyler, M Zhang, Y Yildiz, I Kolmanovsky, AR Girard
IEEE Transactions on control systems technology 26 (5), 1782-1797, 2017
Pursuit–evasion games in the presence of obstacles
DW Oyler, PT Kabamba, AR Girard
Automatica 65, 1-11, 2016
Dynamics, stability, and control analyses of flapping wing micro-air vehicles
CT Orlowski, AR Girard
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 51, 18-30, 2012
Autonomous battery swapping system for small-scale helicopters
KA Swieringa, CB Hanson, JR Richardson, JD White, Z Hasan, E Qian, ...
2010 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 3335-3340, 2010
Modeling and simulation of nonlinear dynamics of flapping wing micro air vehicles
CT Orlowski, AR Girard
AIAA journal 49 (5), 969-981, 2011
Adaptive game-theoretic decision making for autonomous vehicle control at roundabouts
R Tian, S Li, N Li, I Kolmanovsky, A Girard, Y Yildiz
2018 IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), 321-326, 2018
Game-theoretic modeling of multi-vehicle interactions at uncontrolled intersections
N Li, Y Yao, I Kolmanovsky, E Atkins, AR Girard
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (2), 1428-1442, 2020
Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications
JK Hedrick, A Girard
A control architecture for integrated cooperative cruise control and collision warning systems
AR Girard, JB de Sousa, JA Misener, JK Hedrick
Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No …, 2001
Game-theoretic modeling of traffic in unsignalized intersection network for autonomous vehicle control verification and validation
R Tian, N Li, I Kolmanovsky, Y Yildiz, AR Girard
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (3), 2211-2226, 2020
Game theoretic modeling of vehicle interactions at unsignalized intersections and application to autonomous vehicle control
N Li, I Kolmanovsky, A Girard, Y Yildiz
2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 3215-3220, 2018
Interaction-aware trajectory prediction and planning for autonomous vehicles in forced merge scenarios
K Liu, N Li, HE Tseng, I Kolmanovsky, A Girard
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (1), 474-488, 2022
Hierarchical reasoning game theory based approach for evaluation and testing of autonomous vehicle control systems
N Li, D Oyler, M Zhang, Y Yildiz, A Girard, I Kolmanovsky
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 727-733, 2016
On codiagnosability and coobservability with dynamic observations
W Wang, AR Girard, S Lafortune, F Lin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 56 (7), 1551-1566, 2011
Vehicle routing problem instances: Application to multi-uav mission planning
M Adbelhafiz, A Mostafa, A Girard
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 8435, 2010
Gyroscopic stabilisation of unstable vehicles: configurations, dynamics, and control
SC Spry, AR Girard
Vehicle System Dynamics 46 (S1), 247-260, 2008
Deep reinforcement learning with enhanced safety for autonomous highway driving
A Baheri, S Nageshrao, HE Tseng, I Kolmanovsky, A Girard, D Filev
2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1550-1555, 2020
Convoy protection using multiple unmanned aerial vehicles: organization and coordination
SC Spry, AR Girard, JK Hedrick
Proceedings of the 2005, American Control Conference, 2005., 3524-3529, 2005
Optimal sensor activation for diagnosing discrete event systems
W Wang, S Lafortune, AR Girard, F Lin
Automatica 46 (7), 1165-1175, 2010
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