Duy Nhat Phan
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Zitiert von
Accelerated Difference of Convex functions Algorithm and its Application to Sparse Binary Logistic Regression.
DN Phan, HM Le, HA Le Thi
IJCAI, 1369-1375, 2018
An inertial block majorization minimization framework for nonsmooth nonconvex optimization
LTK Hien, DN Phan, N Gillis
Journal of Machine Learning Research 24, 1-41, 2023
Stochastic DCA for the large-sum of non-convex functions problem and its application to group variable selection in classification
HA Le Thi, HM Le, DN Phan, B Tran
International Conference on Machine Learning, 3394-3403, 2017
Stochastic DCA for minimizing a large sum of DC functions with application to Multi-class Logistic Regression
HAL Thi, HM Le, DN Phan, B Tran
Neural Networks, 2020
Group variable selection via ℓp, 0 regularization and application to optimal scoring
DN Phan, HA Le Thi
Neural Networks 118, 220-234, 2019
SpeedyIBL: A comprehensive, precise, and fast implementation of instance-based learning theory
TN Nguyen, DN Phan, C Gonzalez
Behavior Research Methods, 1-24, 2022
DC programming and DCA for sparse Fisher linear discriminant analysis
HA Le Thi, DN Phan
Neural Computing and Applications 28 (9), 2809-2822, 2017
DC programming and DCA for sparse optimal scoring problem
HA Le Thi, DN Phan
Neurocomputing 186, 170-181, 2016
Novel DCA based algorithms for a special class of nonconvex problems with application in machine learning
HA Le Thi, HM Le, DN Phan, B Tran
Applied Mathematics and Computation 409, 125904, 2021
Sparse covariance matrix estimation by DCA-based algorithms
DN Phan, HA Le Thi, TP Dinh
Neural computation 29 (11), 3040-3077, 2017
Block Bregman Majorization Minimization with Extrapolation
LT Khanh Hien, DN Phan, N Gillis, M Ahookhosh, P Patrinos
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 4 (1), 1-25, 2022
Inertial alternating direction method of multipliers for non-convex non-smooth optimization
LTK Hien, DN Phan, N Gillis
Computational Optimization and Applications 83 (1), 247-285, 2022
An accelerated IRNN-Iteratively Reweighted Nuclear Norm algorithm for nonconvex nonsmooth low-rank minimization problems
DN Phan, TN Nguyen
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 396, 113602, 2021
DCA based approaches for bi-level variable selection and application for estimate multiple sparse covariance matrices
HA Le Thi, DN Phan, TP Dinh
Neurocomputing 466, 162-177, 2021
DCA based algorithms for learning with sparsity in high dimensional setting and stochastical learning
DN Phan
Université de Lorraine, 2016
Learning in Cooperative Multiagent Systems Using Cognitive and Machine Models
TN Nguyen, DN Phan, C Gonzalez
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 18 (4), 1-22, 2023
Geometric characterizations for strong minima with applications to nuclear norm minimization problems
J Fadili, TTA Nghia, DN Phan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.09224, 2023
Difference-of-convex algorithm with extrapolation for nonconvex, nonsmooth optimization problems
DN Phan, HA Le Thi
Mathematics of Operations Research 49 (3), 1973-1985, 2024
Efficient bi-level variable selection and application to estimation of multiple covariance matrices
DN Phan, HA Le Thi, DT Pham
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 304-316, 2017
A DC programming approach for sparse linear discriminant analysis
PD Nhat, MC Nguyen, HA Le Thi
Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering: Proceedings of the …, 2014
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