Oscar Reinoso Garcia
Oscar Reinoso Garcia
Profesor de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
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Cited by
A comparison of path planning strategies for autonomous exploration and mapping of unknown environments
M Juliá, A Gil, O Reinoso
Autonomous Robots 33, 427-444, 2012
A comparative evaluation of interest point detectors and local descriptors for visual SLAM
A Gil, OM Mozos, M Ballesta, O Reinoso
Machine Vision and Applications 21 (6), 905-920, 2010
Real-time collaboration of virtual laboratories through the Internet
CA Jara, FA Candelas, F Torres, S Dormido, F Esquembre, O Reinoso
Computers & Education 52 (1), 126-140, 2009
Multi-robot visual SLAM using a Rao-Blackwellized particle filter
A Gil, Ó Reinoso, M Ballesta, M Juliá
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 58 (1), 68-80, 2010
A state-of-the-art review on mobile robotics tasks using artificial intelligence and visual data
S Cebollada, L Payá, M Flores, A Peidró, O Reinoso
Expert Systems with Applications 167, 114195, 2021
Motion planning of a climbing parallel robot
M Almonacid, RJ Saltaren, R Aracil, O Reinoso
IEEE transactions on robotics and automation 19 (3), 485-489, 2003
A climbing parallel robot: a robot to climb along tubular and metallic structures
R Aracil, RJ Saltaren, O Reinoso
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 13 (1), 16-22, 2006
Parallel robots for autonomous climbing along tubular structures
R Aracil, R Saltarén, O Reinoso
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 42 (2), 125-134, 2003
Robots paralelos: Máquinas con un pasado para una robótica del futuro
R Aracil, RJ Saltarén, JM Sabater, O Reinoso
Revista iberoamericana de automática e informática industrial 3 (1), 16-28, 2010
Improving data association in vision-based SLAM
A Gil, O Reinoso, OM Mozos, C Stachniss, W Burgard
2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2006
Characterization of surface oil thickness distribution patterns observed during the Deepwater Horizon (MC-252) oil spill with aerial and satellite remote sensing
J Svejkovsky, M Hess, J Muskat, TJ Nedwed, J McCall, O Garcia
Marine Pollution Bulletin 110 (1), 162-176, 2016
Oil slick morphology derived from AVIRIS measurements of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Implications for spatial resolution requirements of remote sensors
S Sun, C Hu, L Feng, GA Swayze, J Holmes, G Graettinger, I MacDonald, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 103 (1-2), 276-285, 2016
Generalized control method by state convergence for teleoperation systems with time delay
JM Azorín, O Reinoso, R Aracil, M Ferre
Automatica 40 (9), 1575-1582, 2004
An improved Monte Carlo method based on Gaussian growth to calculate the workspace of robots
A Peidró, Ó Reinoso, A Gil, JM Marín, L Payá
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 64, 197-207, 2017
A state‐of‐the‐art review on mapping and localization of mobile robots using omnidirectional vision sensors
L Paya, A Gil, O Reinoso
Journal of Sensors 2017 (1), 3497650, 2017
Interest point detectors for visual slam
ÓM Mozos, A Gil, M Ballesta, O Reinoso
Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 12th Conference of the Spanish …, 2007
Remote control laboratory via Internet using Matlab and Simulink
R Puerto, LM Jiménez, O Reinoso
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 18 (4), 694-702, 2010
Development and deployment of a new robotics toolbox for education
A Gil, O Reinoso, JM Marin, L Paya, J Ruiz
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 23 (3), 443-454, 2015
Performance of global-appearance descriptors in map building and localization using omnidirectional vision
L Payá, F Amorós, L Fernández, O Reinoso
Sensors 14 (2), 3033-3064, 2014
Map building and monte carlo localization using global appearance of omnidirectional images
L Payá, L Fernández, A Gil, O Reinoso
Sensors 10 (12), 11468-11497, 2010
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Articles 1–20