Pengsheng Ji
Pengsheng Ji
Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Georgia
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Coauthorship and citation networks for statisticians (with discussions)
P Ji, J Jin
The Annals of Applied Statistics 10 (4), 1779-1812, 2016
Predictors of secondary traumatic stress among social workers: Supervision, income, and caseload size
A Quinn, P Ji, L Nackerud
Journal of Social Work 19 (4), 504-528, 2019
UPS delivers optimal phase diagram in high-dimensional variable selection
P Ji, J Jin
Annals of Statistics 40 (1), 73-103, 2012
CensNet: Convolution with Edge-Node Switching in Graph Neural Networks.
X Jiang, P Ji, S Li
International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2656-2662, 2019
Co-embedding of nodes and edges with graph neural networks
X Jiang, R Zhu, S Li, P Ji
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2020
Discussion on "Statistical modelling of citation exchange between statistics journals"
P Ji, J Jin, ZT Ke
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A 179 (1), 52-53, 2016
Co-citation and Co-authorship Networks of Statisticians (with discussions)
P Ji, J Jin, ZT Ke, W Li
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 40 (2), 469-485, 2022
Spectral algorithms for community detection in directed networks
Z Wang, Y Liang, P Ji
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2020
Rate optimal multiple testing procedure in high-dimensional regression
P Ji, Z Zhao
arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.2961, 2014
Using the statistical program R instead of SPSS to analyze data
H Tang, P Ji
Tools of Chemistry Education Research, 135-151, 2014
An R package for SNP marker-based parent-offspring tests
H Abdel-Haleem, P Ji, HR Boerma, Z Li
Plant methods 9, 1-5, 2013
The species coalescent indicates possible bat and pangolin origins of the COVID-19 pandemic
J Yang, M Skaro, J Chen, D Zhan, L Lyu, S Gay, A Kandeil, MA Ali, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 5571, 2023
Recent advances in text analysis
ZT Ke, P Ji, J Jin, W Li
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 11, 2023
Open-Set Graph Domain Adaptation via Separate Domain Alignment
Y Wang, R Zhu, P Ji, S Li
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38 (8), 9142-9150, 2024
Sharp minimax adaptation over Sobolev ellipsoids in nonparametric testing
P Ji, M Nussbaum
Bridging the Fairness Divide: Achieving Group and Individual Fairness in Graph Neural Networks
D Zhan, D Guo, P Ji, S Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.17511, 2024
Rejoinder:“Co-citation and Co-authorship Networks of Statisticians”
P Ji, J Jin, ZT Ke, W Li
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 40 (2), 499-504, 2022
Sharp adaptive nonparametric testing for Sobolev ellipsoids
P Ji, M Nussbaum
arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.8162, 2012
Selected Topics In Nonparametric Testing And Variable Selection For High Dimensional Data
P Ji
Supplementary material for “ups delivers optimal phase diagram in high dimensional variable selection”
P Ji, J Jin
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