The power of symbols and symbols as power: Secularism and religion as guarantors of cultural convergence S Mancini Cardozo L. Rev. 30, 2629, 2008 | 132 | 2008 |
The crucifix rage: supranational constitutionalism bumps against the counter-majoritarian difficulty S Mancini European Constitutional Law Review 6 (1), 6-27, 2010 | 121 | 2010 |
Secession and self-determination S Mancini The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constititional Law, 2012 | 103 | 2012 |
Patriarchy as the exclusive domain of the other: The veil controversy, false projection and cultural racism S Mancini International Journal of Constitutional Law 10 (2), 411-428, 2012 | 92 | 2012 |
Rethinking the boundaries of democratic secession: Liberalism, nationalism, and the right of minorities to self-determination S Mancini International Journal of Constitutional Law 6 (3-4), 553-584, 2008 | 92 | 2008 |
Language rights as cultural rights: a European perspective S Mancini, B De Witte International Studies in Human Rights 95, 247, 2008 | 41 | 2008 |
Constitutional secularism in an age of religious revival S Mancini, M Rosenfeld OUP Oxford, 2014 | 38 | 2014 |
Semipresidenzialismi L Pegoraro, A Rinella, S Baldin, A Barbera, M Baudrez, CB de Morais, ... Cedam, 1997 | 35 | 1997 |
The body of the nation: Illiberalism and gender S Mancini, N Palazzo Routledge handbook of illiberalism, 403-422, 2021 | 32 | 2021 |
The tempting of Europe, the political seduction of the cross: A Schmittian reading of Christianity and Islam in European constitutionalism S Mancini Constitutional Secularism in an Age of Religious Revival, Oxford University …, 2014 | 32 | 2014 |
The conscience wars: rethinking the balance between religion, identity, and equality S Mancini, M Rosenfeld Cambridge University Press, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
Unveiling the limits of tolerance: comparing the treatment of majority and minority religious symbols in the public sphere S Mancini, M Rosenfeld Law, State and Religion in the New Europe. Debates and Dilemmas, 160-91, 2012 | 24 | 2012 |
Transatlantic Conversations The Emergence of Society-Protective Antiabortion Arguments in the United States, Europe, and Russia S Mancini, K Stoeckl S. Mancini, M. Rosenfeld, The Conscience Wars. Rethinking the Balance …, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
Minoranze autoctone e Stato S Mancini Tra composizione dei conflitti e secessione, 1996 | 23 | 1996 |
Nationalism, populism, religion, and the quest to reframe fundamental rights S Mancini, M Rosenfeld Cardozo L. Rev. 42, 463, 2020 | 21 | 2020 |
Il potere dei simboli, i simboli del potere. Laicitą e religione alla prova del pluralismo S Mancini Cedam, 2008 | 18 | 2008 |
Taking secularism (not too) seriously: the Italian'crucifix case' S Mancini Religion & Human Rights 1 (2), 179-195, 2006 | 17 | 2006 |
Un affare di donne: l'aborto tra libertą eguale e controllo sociale S Mancini Cedam, 2012 | 16 | 2012 |
La supervisione europea presa sul serio: la controversia sul crocifisso tra margine di apprezzamento e ruolo contromaggioritario delle corti S Mancini Giurisprudenza costituzionale 5, 479-507, 2009 | 16 | 2009 |
La contesa sui simboli: laicitą liquida e protezione della Costituzione S Mancini Forum di Quaderni Costituzionali, 2007 | 16 | 2007 |