Philip D. Waggoner
Philip D. Waggoner
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performance: An R package for assessment, comparison and testing of statistical models
D Lüdecke, MS Ben-Shachar, I Patil, P Waggoner, D Makowski
Journal of Open Source Software 6 (60), 2021
Are samples drawn from Mechanical Turk valid for research on political ideology?
S Clifford, RM Jewell, PD Waggoner
Research & Politics 2 (4), 2053168015622072, 2015
The shape of and solutions to the MTurk quality crisis
R Kennedy, S Clifford, T Burleigh, PD Waggoner, R Jewell, NJG Winter
Political Science Research and Methods 8 (4), 614-629, 2020
Performance: assessment of regression models performance
D Lüdecke, D Makowski, P Waggoner, I Patil
R package version 0.4 5, 2020
performance: Assessment of regression models performance. R Package Version 0.4. 7
D Lüdecke, D Makowski, P Waggoner, I Patil
Appl Stat Using R 440, 5, 2020
Insight: A unified interface to access information from model objects in R
D Lüdecke, PD Waggoner, D Makowski
Journal of Open Source Software 4 (38), 1412, 2019
Compute and interpret indices of effect size
M Ben-Shachar, D Makowski, D Lüdecke
CRAN [online serial], 2020
see: an R package for visualizing statistical models
D Lüdecke, I Patil, MS Ben-Shachar, BM Wiernik, P Waggoner, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 6 (64), 3393, 2021
Detecting fraud in online surveys by tracing, scoring, and visualizing IP addresses
PD Waggoner, R Kennedy, S Clifford
Journal of Open Source Software 4 (37), 1285, 2019
Trust in public policy algorithms
RP Kennedy, PD Waggoner, MM Ward
The Journal of Politics 84 (2), 1132-1148, 2022
easystats: Framework for easy statistical modeling, visualization, and reporting
D Lüdecke, MS Ben-Shachar, I Patil, BM Wiernik, D Makowski
Repository CRAN, 2022
Assessment, testing and comparison of statistical models using R
D Lüdecke, MS Ben-Shachar, I Patil, P Waggoner, D Makowski
Journal of Open Source Software 6 (59), 3112, 2021
Assessment of regression models performance. CRAN
D Lüdecke, D Makowski, P Waggoner, I Patil, MS Ben-Shachar
CRAN, 2020
Package “performance”
D Lüdecke, D Makowski, P Waggoner, I Patil, MS Ben-Shachar
CRAN. https://cran. r-project. org/web/packages/performance/index. html, 2019
Measuring media freedom: An Item Response Theory analysis of existing indicators
JA Solis, PD Waggoner
British Journal of Political Science 51 (4), 1685-1704, 2021
Unsupervised machine learning for clustering in political and social research
PD Waggoner
Elements in Quantitative and Computational Methods for the Social Sciences, 2020
Package ‘effectsize’
MS Ben-Shachar, D Makowski, D Lüdecke, I Patil, BM Wiernik, K Kelley, ...
Do constituents influence issue-specific bill sponsorship?
PD Waggoner
American Politics Research 47 (4), 709-738, 2019
See: Visualisation toolbox for’easystats’ and extra geoms, themes and color palettes for’ggplot2’
D Lüdecke, MS Ben-Shachar, P Waggoner, D Makowski
R package version 0.5 1, 2020
Uncovering the online social structure surrounding COVID-19
PD Waggoner, RY Shapiro, S Frederick, M Gong
Journal of Social Computing 2 (2), 157-165, 2021
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