Ronald J Hall
Ronald J Hall
Other namesRon Hall
Retired Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada
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Cited by
Derivation and validation of Canada-wide coarse-resolution leaf area index maps using high-resolution satellite imagery and ground measurements
JM Chen, G Pavlic, L Brown, J Cihlar, SG Leblanc, HP White, RJ Hall, ...
Remote sensing of environment 80 (1), 165-184, 2002
Effects of biotic disturbances on forest carbon cycling in the U nited S tates and C anada
JA Hicke, CD Allen, AR Desai, MC Dietze, RJ Hall, EH Hogg, DM Kashian, ...
Global Change Biology 18 (1), 7-34, 2012
High spatial resolution remotely sensed data for ecosystem characterization
MA Wulder, RJ Hall, NC Coops, SE Franklin
BioScience 54 (6), 511-521, 2004
Massive mortality of aspen following severe drought along the southern edge of the Canadian boreal forest
M Michaelian, EH Hogg, RJ Hall, E Arsenault
Global Change Biology 17 (6), 2084-2094, 2011
Pixel-based image compositing for large-area dense time series applications and science
JC White, MA Wulder, GW Hobart, JE Luther, T Hermosilla, P Griffiths, ...
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 40 (3), 192-212, 2014
Modeling forest stand structure attributes using Landsat ETM+ data: Application to mapping of aboveground biomass and stand volume
RJ Hall, RS Skakun, EJ Arsenault, BS Case
Forest ecology and management 225 (1-3), 378-390, 2006
Incorporating texture into classification of forest species composition from airborne multispectral images
SE Franklin, RJ Hall, LM Moskal, AJ Maudie, MB Lavigne
International journal of remote sensing 21 (1), 61-79, 2000
A comparison of digital and film fisheye photography for analysis of forest canopy structure and gap light transmission
GW Frazer, RA Fournier, JA Trofymow, RJ Hall
Agricultural and forest meteorology 109 (4), 249-263, 2001
Using Landsat data to assess fire and burn severity in the North American boreal forest region: an overview and summary of results
NHF French, ES Kasischke, RJ Hall, KA Murphy, DL Verbyla, EE Hoy, ...
International Journal of Wildland Fire 17 (4), 443-462, 2008
Mapping attributes of Canada’s forests at moderate resolution through kNN and MODIS imagery
A Beaudoin, PY Bernier, L Guindon, P Villemaire, XJ Guo, G Stinson, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44 (5), 521-532, 2014
Monitoring Canada’s forests. Part 1: Completion of the EOSD land cover project
MA Wulder, JC White, M Cranny, RJ Hall, JE Luther, A Beaudoin, ...
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (6), 549-562, 2008
Biotic disturbances in Northern Hemisphere forests–a synthesis of recent data, uncertainties and implications for forest monitoring and modelling
M Kautz, AJH Meddens, RJ Hall, A Arneth
Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 (5), 533-552, 2017
Large fires as agents of ecological diversity in the North American boreal forest
PJ Burton, MA Parisien, JA Hicke, RJ Hall, JT Freeburn
International Journal of Wildland Fire 17 (6), 754-767, 2008
Operational mapping of the land cover of the forested area of Canada with Landsat data: EOSD land cover program
MA Wulder, JA Dechka, MA Gillis, JE Luther, RJ Hall, A Beaudoin, ...
The forestry chronicle 79 (6), 1075-1083, 2003
Remote sensing of burn severity: experience from western Canada boreal fires
RJ Hall, JT Freeburn, WJ De Groot, JM Pritchard, TJ Lynham, R Landry
International Journal of Wildland Fire 17 (4), 476-489, 2008
Forest growing stock volume of the northern hemisphere: Spatially explicit estimates for 2010 derived from Envisat ASAR
M Santoro, A Beaudoin, C Beer, O Cartus, JES Fransson, RJ Hall, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 168, 316-334, 2015
Remote sensing of forest pest damage: A review and lessons learned from a Canadian perspective
RJ Hall, G Castilla, JC White, BJ Cooke, RS Skakun
The Canadian Entomologist 148 (S1), S296-S356, 2016
The uncertainty in conifer plantation growth prediction from multi-temporal lidar datasets
C Hopkinson, L Chasmer, RJ Hall
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (3), 1168-1180, 2008
Assessing prediction errors of generalized tree biomass and volume equations for the boreal forest region of west-central Canada
BS Case, RJ Hall
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38 (4), 878-889, 2008
Estimating aboveground forest biomass from canopy reflectance model inversion in mountainous terrain
SA Soenen, DR Peddle, RJ Hall, CA Coburn, FG Hall
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (7), 1325-1337, 2010
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Articles 1–20