Heiner Evanschitzky
Heiner Evanschitzky
Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester
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An examination of moderator effects in the four-stage loyalty model
H Evanschitzky, M Wunderlich
Journal of service research 8 (4), 330-345, 2006
The relative strength of affective commitment in securing loyalty in service relationships
H Evanschitzky, GR Iyer, H Plassmann, J Niessing, H Meffert
Journal of business research 59 (12), 1207-1213, 2006
Customer equity drivers and future sales
V Vogel, H Evanschitzky, B Ramaseshan
Journal of marketing 72 (6), 98-108, 2008
Success factors of product innovation: An updated meta‐analysis
H Evanschitzky, M Eisend, RJ Calantone, Y Jiang
Journal of product innovation management 29, 21-37, 2012
Consequences of customer loyalty to the loyalty program and to the company
H Evanschitzky, B Ramaseshan, DM Woisetschläger, V Richelsen, M Blut, ...
Journal of the academy of marketing science 40, 625-638, 2012
E-satisfaction: a re-examination
H Evanschitzky, GR Iyer, J Hesse, D Ahlert
Journal of retailing 80 (3), 239-247, 2004
Internal branding: an enabler of employees' brand‐supporting behaviours
K Punjaisri, H Evanschitzky, A Wilson
Journal of service management 20 (2), 209-226, 2009
Identification and analysis of moderator variables: Investigating the customer satisfaction‐loyalty link
G Walsh, H Evanschitzky, M Wunderlich
European Journal of Marketing 42 (9/10), 977-1004, 2008
Customer inspiration: Conceptualization, scale development, and validation
T Böttger, T Rudolph, H Evanschitzky, T Pfrang
Journal of Marketing 81 (6), 116-131, 2017
Replication research's disturbing trend
H Evanschitzky, C Baumgarth, R Hubbard, JS Armstrong
Journal of Business Research 60 (4), 411-415, 2007
Exploring the influences of internal branding on employees' brand promise delivery: implications for strengthening customer–brand relationships
K Punjaisri, A Wilson, H Evanschitzky
Journal of relationship marketing 7 (4), 407-424, 2008
Does the employee–customer satisfaction link hold for all employee groups?
F Wangenheim, H Evanschitzky, M Wunderlich
Journal of Business research 60 (7), 690-697, 2007
Consumer ethnocentrism in the German market
H Evanschitzky, F v. Wangenheim, D Woisetschläger, M Blut
International Marketing Review 25 (1), 7-32, 2008
The impact of service characteristics on the switching costs–customer loyalty link
M Blut, SE Beatty, H Evanschitzky, C Brock
Journal of Retailing 90 (2), 275-290, 2014
How habits, social ties, and economic switching barriers affect customer loyalty in contractual service settings
DM Woisetschläger, P Lentz, H Evanschitzky
Journal of Business Research 64 (8), 800-808, 2011
Service & solution innovation: Overview and research agenda
H Evanschitzky, FV Wangenheim, DM Woisetschläger
Industrial Marketing Management 40 (5), 657-660, 2011
H Evanschitzky, G Iyer
E-Services, 2007
Dienstleistungsnetzwerke: Management, Erfolgsfaktoren und Benchmarks im internationalen Vergleich
D Ahlert, H Evanschitzky
Springer-Verlag, 2011
Consumer trial, continuous use, and economic benefits of a retail service innovation: The case of the personal shopping assistant
H Evanschitzky, GR Iyer, KG Pillai, P Kenning, R Schütte
Journal of product innovation management 32 (3), 459-475, 2015
Internal branding to influence employees' brand promise delivery: a case study in Thailand
K Punjaisri, A Wilson, H Evanschitzky
Journal of Service Management 20 (5), 561-579, 2009
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