Nicole Sintov
Nicole Sintov
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You are what you drive: Environmentalist and social innovator symbolism drives electric vehicle adoption intentions
LV White, ND Sintov
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 99, 94-113, 2017
" A Game of Thrones" When Human Behavior Models Compete in Repeated Stackelberg Security Games
D Kar, F Fang, F Delle Fave, N Sintov, M Tambe
Proceedings of the 2015 international conference on autonomous agents and …, 2015
Computational sustainability: Computing for a better world and a sustainable future
C Gomes, T Dietterich, C Barrett, J Conrad, B Dilkina, S Ermon, F Fang, ...
Communications of the ACM 62 (9), 56-65, 2019
Unlocking the potential of smart grid technologies with behavioral science
ND Sintov, PW Schultz
Frontiers in psychology 6, 410, 2015
Cognitive accessibility as a new factor in proenvironmental spillover: Results from a field study of household food waste management
N Sintov, S Geislar, LV White
Environment and Behavior 51 (1), 50-80, 2019
Experienced guilt, but not pride, mediates the effect of feedback on pro-environmental behavior
I Adams, K Hurst, ND Sintov
Journal of Environmental Psychology 71, 101476, 2020
Facilitating youth self-change through school-based intervention
SA Brown, KG Anderson, MT Schulte, ND Sintov, KC Frissell
Addictive Behaviors 30 (9), 1797-1810, 2005
Health and financial impacts of demand-side response measures differ across sociodemographic groups
LV White, ND Sintov
Nature Energy 5 (1), 50-60, 2020
Utility customer segmentation based on smart meter data: Empirical study
J Kwac, CW Tan, N Sintov, J Flora, R Rajagopal
2013 IEEE international conference on smart grid communications …, 2013
Should we quit our jobs? Challenges, barriers and recommendations for interdisciplinary energy research
G Schuitema, ND Sintov
Energy Policy 101, 246-250, 2017
Mood‐related drinking motives mediate the familial association between major depression and alcohol dependence
KC Young‐Wolff, KS Kendler, ND Sintov, CA Prescott
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 33 (8), 1476-1486, 2009
Guilt consistently motivates pro-environmental outcomes while pride depends on context
KF Hurst, ND Sintov
Journal of Environmental Psychology 80, 101776, 2022
The partisan politics of low-carbon transport: Why democrats are more likely to adopt electric vehicles than Republicans in the United States
ND Sintov, V Abou-Ghalioum, LV White
Energy Research & Social Science 68, 101576, 2020
Why are charging stations associated with electric vehicle adoption? Untangling effects in three United States metropolitan areas
LV White, AL Carrel, W Shi, ND Sintov
Energy Research & Social Science 89, 102663, 2022
What goes on behind closed doors? How college dormitory residents change to save energy during a competition-based energy reduction intervention
N Sintov, E Dux, A Tran, M Orosz
International journal of sustainability in higher education 17 (4), 451-470, 2016
Thermostat wars? The roles of gender and thermal comfort negotiations in household energy use behavior
ND Sintov, LV White, H Walpole
PLoS One 14 (11), e0224198, 2019
Inaccurate consumer perceptions of monetary savings in a demand-side response programme predict programme acceptance
LV White, ND Sintov
Nature Energy 3 (12), 1101-1108, 2018
Adjustable green defaults can help make smart homes more sustainable
ND Sintov, PW Schultz
Sustainability 9 (4), 622, 2017
Human adversaries in opportunistic crime security games: Evaluating competing bounded rationality models
YD Abbasi, M Short, A Sinha, N Sintov, C Zhang, M Tambe
Proceedings of the third annual conference on advances in cognitive systems …, 2015
Predictors of illicit substance dependence among individuals with alcohol dependence
ND Sintov, KS Kendler, D Walsh, DG Patterson, CA Prescott
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 70 (2), 269-278, 2009
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