Kyung-Hyan (Angie) Yoo
Cited by
Cited by
Use and impact of online travel reviews
U Gretzel, KH Yoo
Information and communication technologies in tourism 2008, 35-46, 2008
Influence of personality on travel-related consumer-generated media creation
KH Yoo, U Gretzel
Computers in human behavior 27 (2), 609-621, 2011
What motivates consumers to write online travel reviews?
KH Yoo, U Gretzel
Information Technology & Tourism 10 (4), 283-295, 2008
Online travel review study: Role and impact of online travel reviews
U Gretzel, KH Yoo, M Purifoy
Texas A & M University. Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences …, 2007
Comparison of deceptive and truthful travel reviews
KH Yoo, U Gretzel
Information and communication technologies in tourism 2009, 37-47, 2009
Trust in travel-related consumer generated media
KH Yoo, Y Lee, U Gretzel, DR Fesenmaier
Information and communication technologies in tourism 2009, 49-59, 2009
Exploring tripadvisor
KH Yoo, M Sigala, U Gretzel
Open tourism: Open innovation, crowdsourcing and co-creation challenging the …, 2016
Use and creation of social media by travellers
KH Yoo, U Gretzel
Social media in travel, tourism and hospitality, 189-206, 2016
Antecedents and impacts of trust in travel-related consumer-generated media
KH Yoo, U Gretzel
Information Technology & Tourism 12 (2), 139-152, 2010
Premises and promises of social media marketing in tourism
U Gretzel, KH Yoo
The Routledge handbook of tourism marketing, 491-504, 2014
The influence of perceived credibility on preferences for recommender systems as sources of advice
K Hyan Yoo, U Gretzel
Information Technology & Tourism 10 (2), 133-146, 2008
Travel opinion leaders and seekers
KH Yoo, U Gretzel, F Zach
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2011, 525-535, 2011
Persuasive recommender systems: conceptual background and implications
KH Yoo, U Gretzel, M Zanker
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Creating more credible and persuasive recommender systems: The influence of source characteristics on recommender system evaluations
KH Yoo, U Gretzel
Recommender systems handbook, 455-477, 2010
The role of source characteristics in eWOM: What makes online travel reviewers credible and likeable
KH Yoo, KS Lee, U Gretzel
Proceedings of the 14th international ENTER conference in Ljubljana …, 2007
Online travel review study: Role and impact of online travel reviews: Laboratory for Intelligent Systems in Tourism, Texas A&M University
U Gretzel, KH Yoo, M Purifoy
LIST 2 (07), 01, 2007
Special section on generative smart tourism systems and management: Man-machine interaction
C Koo, KH Yoo, JN Lee, M Zanker
International Journal of Information Management 36 (6), 1301-1305, 2016
Use and Impact of Online Travel Reviews. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2008. 35-46
U Gretzel, KH Yoo
Springer, 2008
How US state tourism offices use online newsrooms and social media in media relations
KH Yoo, JR Kim
Public Relations Review 39 (5), 534-541, 2013
Millennial ride-share passengers’ pro-sustainable behaviors: Norm activation perspective
S Lee, WJ Lee, KH Yoo
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 25 (1), 15-26, 2020
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Articles 1–20