Lihong McPhail
Lihong McPhail
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
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Disentangling corn price volatility: the role of global demand, speculation, and energy
LL McPhail, X Du, A Muhammad
Journal of agricultural and applied economics 44 (3), 401-410, 2012
Inside the black box: the price linkage and transmission between energy and agricultural markets
X Du, LL McPhail
The Energy Journal 33 (2), 171-194, 2012
Impact of US biofuel policy on US corn and gasoline price variability
LL McPhail, BA Babcock
Energy 37 (1), 505-513, 2012
Assessing the impact of US ethanol on fossil fuel markets: A structural VAR approach
LL McPhail
Energy Economics 33 (6), 1177-1185, 2011
The renewable identification number system and US biofuel mandates
LL McPhail, P Westcott, H Lutman
SSRN, 2015
Impacts of energy shocks on US agricultural productivity growth and commodity prices—A structural VAR analysis
SL Wang, L McPhail
Energy Economics 46, 435-444, 2014
Corn area response to local ethanol markets in the United States: A grid cell level analysis
M Motamed, L McPhail, R Williams
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98 (3), 726-743, 2016
The evolution of foreign wine demand in C hina
A Muhammad, AM Leister, L McPhail, W Chen
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 58 (3), 392-408, 2014
Short-run price and welfare impacts of federal ethanol policies
L Mcphail, B Babcock
Ethanol, mandates, and drought: Insights from a stochastic equilibrium model of the US corn market
LL McPhail, BA Babcock
Do Banks Hedge Using Interest Rate Swaps?
L McPhail, P Schnabl, B Tuckman
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
When leverage ratio meets derivatives: Running out of options?
R Haynes, L McPhail
Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments 30 (5), 201-224, 2021
Do US cotton subsidies affect competing exporters? An analysis of import demand in China
A Muhammad, L McPhail, J Kiawu
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 44 (2), 235-249, 2012
Forecasting lifetime credit losses: Modelling considerations for complying with the new FASB and IASB current expected credit loss models
J McPhail, L McPhail
Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions 7 (4), 375-388, 2014
The liquidity hierarchy in the US Treasury cash and futures market
L Baker, L McPhail, B Tuckman
The Journal of Fixed Income, 2020
The liquidity of credit default index swap networks
R Haynes, L McPhail
Available at SSRN 3378629, 2017
Impacts of renewable fuel regulation and production on agriculture, energy, and welfare
LL McPhail
Iowa State University, 2010
Spatial Dimensions of US Crop Selection: Recent Responses to Markets and Policy
MJ Motamed, LL McPhail
Machine learning implications for banking regulation
LL McPhail, JE McPhail
The Routledge Handbook of FinTech, 395-415, 2021
Ethanol strengthens the link between agriculture and energy markets
LL McPhail, X Du
Amber Waves 10 (2), 1D, 2012
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