Katjana Gattermann
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Cited by
Beyond institutional capacity: Political motivation and parliamentary behaviour in the early warning system
K Gattermann, C Hefftler
West European Politics 38 (2), 305-334, 2015
Absent yet popular? Explaining news visibility of M embers of the E uropean P arliament
K Gattermann, S Vasilopoulou
European Journal of Political Research 54 (1), 121-140, 2015
News about the European Parliament: Patterns and external drivers of broadsheet coverage
K Gattermann
European Union Politics 14 (3), 436-457, 2013
Understanding the dynamics of politicians' visibility in traditional and social media
S Kruikemeier, K Gattermann, R Vliegenthart
The Information Society 34 (4), 215-228, 2018
The role of candidate evaluations in the 2014 European Parliament elections: Towards the personalization of voting behaviour?
K Gattermann, CH De Vreese
European Union Politics, 2017
Evaluations of the Spitzenkandidaten: The Role of Information and News Exposure in Citizens’ Preference Formation
K Gattermann, CH De Vreese, W van der Brug
Politics and Governance 4 (1), 37-54, 2016
research note: studying a new phase of europeanisation of national parliaments
K Gattermann, AL Högenauer, A Huff
European Political Science 15 (1), 89-107, 2016
Interparliamentary cooperation in the European Union: Patterns, problems and potential
C Hefftler, K Gattermann
The Palgrave handbook of national parliaments and the European Union, 94-115, 2015
Special Issue Introduction: How Different Were the European Elections of 2014?
W van der Brug, K Gattermann, CH de Vreese
Politics and Governance 4 (1), 1-8, 2016
Matching policy preferences: the linkage between voters and MEPs
S Vasilopoulou, K Gattermann
Journal of European Public Policy 20 (4), 606-625, 2013
Awareness of Spitzenkandidaten in the 2019 European elections: The effects of news exposure in domestic campaign contexts
K Gattermann, C de Vreese
Research & politics 7 (2), 2053168020915332, 2020
Do Spitzenkandidaten really make a difference? An experiment on the effectiveness of personalized European Parliament election campaigns
K Gattermann, F Marquart
European Union Politics 21 (4), 612-633, 2020
Mediated personalization of executive European Union politics: Examining patterns in the broadsheet coverage of the European Commission, 1992–2016
K Gattermann
The International Journal of Press/Politics 23 (3), 345-366, 2018
Introduction to the special issue: No longer second-order? Explaining the European Parliament elections of 2019
K Gattermann, CH de Vreese, W van der Brug
Politics 41 (4), 423-432, 2021
Europäische Spitzenkandidaten und deren (Un-) Sichtbarkeit in der nationalen Zeitungsberichterstattung
K Gattermann
Die Europawahl 2014: Spitzenkandidaten, Protestparteien, Nichtwähler, 211-222, 2015
Media Personalization during European Elections: the 2019 Election Campaigns in Context
K Gattermann
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2020
Electoral responses to the increased contestation over European integration. The European Elections of 2019 and beyond
W van der Brug, K Gattermann, CH de Vreese
European Union Politics 23 (1), 3-20, 2022
National parliaments after Lisbon: Towards mainstreaming of EU affairs?
K Gattermann, AL Högenauer, A Huff
OPAL Online Paper Series 13/2013, 2013
Who won the election? Explaining news coverage of election results in multi‐party systems
K Gattermann, TM Meyer, K Wurzer
European Journal of Political Research 61 (4), 857-877, 2022
Does Politicization Matter for EU Representation? A Comparison of Four European Parliament Elections*
S Vasilopoulou, K Gattermann
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 59 (3), 661-678, 2021
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Articles 1–20