Selina Christin Wriessnegger
Selina Christin Wriessnegger
Assoc. Prof. at Graz University of Technology, Institute of Neural Engineering
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Motor imagery and action observation: modulation of sensorimotor brain rhythms during mental control of a brain–computer interface
C Neuper, R Scherer, S Wriessnegger, G Pfurtscheller
Clinical neurophysiology 120 (2), 239-247, 2009
Effects of mental workload and fatigue on the P300, alpha and theta band power during operation of an ERP (P300) brain–computer interface
I Käthner, SC Wriessnegger, GR Müller-Putz, A Kübler, S Halder
Biological psychology 102, 118-129, 2014
Electroencephalography (EEG) as a research tool in the information systems discipline: Foundations, measurement, and applications
GR Müller-Putz, R Riedl, S C Wriessnegger
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 37 (1), 46, 2015
Spatio-temporal differences in brain oxygenation between movement execution and imagery: a multichannel near-infrared spectroscopy study
SC Wriessnegger, J Kurzmann, C Neuper
International Journal of Psychophysiology 67 (1), 54-63, 2008
Development, set-up and first results for a one-channel near-infrared spectroscopy system/Entwicklung, Aufbau und vorläufige Ergebnisse eines Einkanal-Nahinfrarot-Spektroskopie …
G Bauernfeind, R Leeb, SC Wriessnegger, G Pfurtscheller
Walter de Gruyter 53 (1), 36-43, 2008
Focal frontal (de) oxyhemoglobin responses during simple arithmetic
G Pfurtscheller, G Bauernfeind, SC Wriessnegger, C Neuper
International Journal of Psychophysiology 76 (3), 186-192, 2010
Comparison of DFT and lock-in amplifier features and search for optimal electrode positions in SSVEP-based BCI
GR Müller-Putz, E Eder, SC Wriessnegger, G Pfurtscheller
Journal of neuroscience methods 168 (1), 174-181, 2008
Contrasting behavior of beta event-related synchronization and somatosensory evoked potential after median nerve stimulation during finger manipulation in man
G Pfurtscheller, M Woertz, G Müller, S Wriessnegger, K Pfurtscheller
Neuroscience letters 323 (2), 113-116, 2002
Separating heart and brain: on the reduction of physiological noise from multichannel functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) signals
G Bauernfeind, SC Wriessnegger, I Daly, GR Müller-Putz
Journal of neural engineering 11 (5), 056010, 2014
Brain-controlled applications using dynamic P300 speller matrices
S Halder, A Pinegger, I Käthner, SC Wriessnegger, J Faller, JBP Antunes, ...
Artificial intelligence in medicine 63 (1), 7-17, 2015
Brain computer interface on track to home
F Miralles, E Vargiu, S Dauwalder, M Solà, G Müller-Putz, ...
The Scientific World Journal 2015 (1), 623896, 2015
Control or non-control state: that is the question! An asynchronous visual P300-based BCI approach
A Pinegger, J Faller, S Halder, SC Wriessnegger, GR Müller-Putz
Journal of neural engineering 12 (1), 014001, 2015
Short time sports exercise boosts motor imagery patterns: implications of mental practice in rehabilitation programs
SC Wriessnegger, D Steyrl, K Koschutnig, GR Müller-Putz
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 469, 2014
Evaluation of different EEG acquisition systems concerning their suitability for building a brain–computer interface: case studies
A Pinegger, SC Wriessnegger, J Faller, GR Müller-Putz
Frontiers in neuroscience 10, 441, 2016
Kinematic cues and recognition of self-generated actions
E Daprati, S Wriessnegger, F Lacquaniti
Experimental brain research 177, 31-44, 2007
Post-movement beta synchronization after kinesthetic illusion, active and passive movements
C Keinrath, S Wriessnegger, GR Müller-Putz, G Pfurtscheller
International journal of psychophysiology 62 (2), 321-327, 2006
Frequency specific cortical dynamics during motor imagery are influenced by prior physical activity
SC Wriessnegger, C Brunner, GR Müller-Putz
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1976, 2018
Deep learning-based classification of fine hand movements from low frequency EEG
G Bressan, G Cisotto, GR Müller-Putz, SC Wriessnegger
Future Internet 13 (5), 103, 2021
Composing only by thought: Novel application of the P300 brain-computer interface
A Pinegger, H Hiebel, SC Wriessnegger, GR Müller-Putz
PloS one 12 (9), e0181584, 2017
Inter-and intra-individual variability in brain oscillations during sports motor imagery
SC Wriessnegger, GR Müller-Putz, C Brunner, AI Sburlea
Frontiers in human neuroscience 14, 576241, 2020
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