Francisco Javier Montáns
Francisco Javier Montáns
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid & University of Florida
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Data-driven modeling and learning in science and engineering
FJ Montáns, F Chinesta, R Gómez-Bombarelli, JN Kutz
Comptes Rendus Mécanique 347 (11), 845-855, 2019
The mechanical behavior of skin: Structures and models for the finite element analysis
JM Benítez, FJ Montáns
Computers & Structures 190, 75-107, 2017
Nonlinear ground response at Lotung LSST site
RI Borja, HY Chao, FJ Montáns, CH Lin
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 125 (3), 187-197, 1999
Cam-Clay plasticity, Part IV: Implicit integration of anisotropic bounding surface model with nonlinear hyperelasticity and ellipsoidal loading function
RI Borja, CH Lin, FJ Montáns
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 190 (26-27), 3293-3323, 2001
What-you-prescribe-is-what-you-get orthotropic hyperelasticity
M Latorre, FJ Montáns
Computational Mechanics 53, 1279-1298, 2014
WYPIWYG hyperelasticity for isotropic, compressible materials
J Crespo, M Latorre, FJ Montáns
Computational Mechanics 59, 73-92, 2017
Computational issues in large strain elasto‐plasticity: an algorithm for mixed hardening and plastic spin
FJ Montáns, KJ Bathe
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 63 (2), 159-196, 2005
Modeling large strain anisotropic elasto-plasticity with logarithmic strain and stress measures
MÁ Caminero, FJ Montáns, KJ Bathe
Computers & Structures 89 (11-12), 826-843, 2011
Extension of the Sussman–Bathe spline-based hyperelastic model to incompressible transversely isotropic materials
M Latorre, FJ Montáns
Computers & Structures 122, 13-26, 2013
Anisotropic finite strain viscoelasticity based on the Sidoroff multiplicative decomposition and logarithmic strains
M Latorre, FJ Montáns
Computational Mechanics 56, 503-531, 2015
On the interpretation of the logarithmic strain tensor in an arbitrary system of representation
M Latorre, FJ Montáns
International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (7-8), 1507-1515, 2014
Fully anisotropic finite strain viscoelasticity based on a reverse multiplicative decomposition and logarithmic strains
M Latorre, FJ Montáns
Computers & Structures 163, 56-70, 2016
Stress and strain mapping tensors and general work-conjugacy in large strain continuum mechanics
M Latorre, FJ Montáns
Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (5-6), 3938-3950, 2016
Understanding the need of the compression branch to characterize hyperelastic materials
M Latorre, E De Rosa, FJ Montáns
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 89, 14-24, 2017
The relevance of transverse deformation effects in modeling soft biological tissues
M Latorre, X Romero, FJ Montans
International Journal of Solids and Structures 99, 57-70, 2016
On the tension-compression switch of the Gasser–Ogden–Holzapfel model: Analysis and a new pre-integrated proposal
M Latorre, FJ Montáns
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 57, 175-189, 2016
Bounding surface plasticity model with extended Masing behavior
FJ Montáns
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 182 (1-2), 135-162, 2000
SSI effects on ground motion at Lotung LSST site
RI Borja, HY Chao, FJ Montáns, CH Lin
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 125 (9), 760-770, 1999
Implicit J2‐bounding surface plasticity using Prager's translation rule
FJ Montáns, RI Borja
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 55 (10), 1129-1166, 2002
Experimental data reduction for hyperelasticity
M Latorre, FJ Montáns
Computers & Structures 232, 105919, 2020
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Articles 1–20