Lehilton Pedrosa
Cited by
Cited by
Itssafe: An intelligent transportation system for improving safety and traffic efficiency
AM De Souza, LLC Pedrosa, LC Botega, L Villas
2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-7, 2018
A systematic approach to bound factor-revealing LPs and its application to the metric and squared metric facility location problems
CG Fernandes, LAA Meira, FK Miyazawa, LLC Pedrosa
Mathematical Programming 153 (2), 655-685, 2015
Polynomial-time approximation schemes for circle and other packing problems
FK Miyazawa, LLC Pedrosa, RCS Schouery, M Sviridenko, ...
Algorithmica 76 (2), 536-568, 2016
Computing the largest bond and the maximum connected cut of a graph
GL Duarte, H Eto, T Hanaka, Y Kobayashi, Y Kobayashi, D Lokshtanov, ...
Algorithmica 83, 1421-1458, 2021
Improved approximation algorithms for capacitated fault-tolerant k-center
CG Fernandes, SP de Paula, LLC Pedrosa
Algorithmica 80 (3), 1041-1072, 2018
Clustering through continuous facility location problems
LAA Meira, FK Miyazawa, LLC Pedrosa
Theoretical Computer Science 657, 137-145, 2017
Computing the largest bond of a graph
GL Duarte, D Lokshtanov, LLC Pedrosa, R Schouery, US Souza
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.01071, 2019
Incremental testing of finite state machines
LL Chaves Pedrosa, A Vieira Moura
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 23 (8), 585-612, 2013
Approximation algorithms for median hub location problems
MPL Benedito, LLC Pedrosa
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 38 (2), 375-401, 2019
A polynomial-time approximation scheme for the maxspace advertisement problem
MRC Da Silva, RCS Schouery, LLC Pedrosa
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 346, 699-710, 2019
On the inapproximability of the cable-trench problem
MPL Benedito, LLC Pedrosa, HKK Rosado
Procedia Computer Science 195, 39-48, 2021
Testing combined finite state machines
LLC Pedrosa, AV Moura
Tech. Rep. IC-10-01, 2010
Freeze-Tag is NP-hard in 3D with L1 distance
LLC Pedrosa, L de Oliveira Silva
Procedia Computer Science 223, 360-366, 2023
A 2-Approximation for the k-Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree Problem
LLC Pedrosa, HKK Rosado
Algorithmica 84 (12), 3522-3558, 2022
An asymptotically optimal approximation algorithm for the travelling car renter problem
LLC Pedrosa, GYO Quesquén, R Schouery
19th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling …, 2019
Approximation algorithms for k-level stochastic facility location problems
LP Melo, FK Miyazawa, LLC Pedrosa, RCS Schouery
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 34, 266-278, 2017
Approximation algorithms for the bus evacuation problem
LLC Pedrosa, RCS Schouery
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 36, 131-141, 2018
Uma aproximaçao para o problema de alocaçao de terminais
LLC Pedrosa, VF dos Santos, RCS Schouery
Anais do I Encontro de Teoria da Computação, 824-827, 2016
Approximation algorithms for facility location problems and other supply chain problems
L Pedrosa, F Miyazawa, M Sviridenko
Anais do XXVIII Concurso de Teses e Dissertações, 1-6, 2015
A Parameterized Approximation Algorithm for the Multiple Allocation k-Hub Center
MPL Benedito, LP Melo, LLC Pedrosa
Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, 141-156, 2022
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Articles 1–20