Henry Martin
Henry Martin
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Mode choice, substitution patterns and environmental impacts of shared and personal micro-mobility
DJ Reck, H Martin, KW Axhausen
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 102, 103134, 2022
Using rooftop photovoltaic generation to cover individual electric vehicle demand—A detailed case study
H Martin, R Buffat, D Bucher, J Hamper, M Raubal
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157, 111969, 2022
German Intraday Electricity Market Analysis and Modeling Based on the Limit Order Book
H Martin, S Otterson
2018 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-6, 2018
Modeling the optimal mix and location of wind and solar with transmission and carbon pricing considerations
TA Deetjen, H Martin, JD Rhodes, ME Webber
Renewable energy 120, 35-50, 2018
Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Purpose Imputation
H Martin, D Bucher, E Suel, P Zhao, F Perez-Cruz, M Raubal
NIPS Spatiotemporal Workshop at the 32nd Annual Conference on Neural …, 2018
The surprising efficiency of framing geo-spatial time series forecasting as a video prediction task–Insights from the IARAI Traffic4cast Competition at NeurIPS 2019
DP Kreil, MK Kopp, D Jonietz, M Neun, A Gruca, P Herruzo, H Martin, ...
NeurIPS 2019 Competition and Demonstration Track, 232-241, 2020
Trackintel: An open-source Python library for human mobility analysis
H Martin, Y Hong, N Wiedemann, D Bucher, M Raubal
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 101, 101938, 2023
Traffic4cast at neurips 2020? yet more on theunreasonable effectiveness of gridded geo-spatial processes
M Kopp, D Kreil, M Neun, D Jonietz, H Martin, P Herruzo, A Gruca, ...
NeurIPS 2020 Competition and Demonstration Track, 325-343, 2021
How do you go where? Improving next location prediction by learning travel mode information using transformers
Y Hong, H Martin, M Raubal
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Advances in Geographic …, 2022
Traffic4cast at NeurIPS 2021-Temporal and Spatial Few-Shot Transfer Learning in Gridded Geo-Spatial Processes
C Eichenberger, M Neun, H Martin, P Herruzo, M Spanring, Y Lu, S Choi, ...
NeurIPS 2021 Competitions and Demonstrations Track, 97-112, 2022
Begleitstudie SBB Green Class-Abschlussbericht
H Martin, H Becker, D Bucher, D Jonietz, M Raubal, KW Axhausen
Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs-und Raumplanung 1439, 2019
Graph-ResNets for short-term traffic forecasts in almost unknown cities
H Martin, D Bucher, Y Hong, R Buffat, C Rupprecht, M Raubal
NeurIPS 2019 Competition and Demonstration Track, 153-163, 2020
Graph-based mobility profiling
H Martin, N Wiedemann, DJ Reck, M Raubal
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 100, 101910, 2023
Geosmartness for personalized and sustainable future urban mobility
M Raubal, D Bucher, H Martin
Urban Informatics, 59-83, 2021
A clustering-based framework for individual travel behaviour change detection
Y Hong, Y Xin, H Martin, D Bucher, M Raubal
11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience …, 2021
Exploring Factors that Influence Individuals’ Choice Between Internal Combustion Engine Cars and Electric Vehicles
D Bucher, H Martin, J Hamper, A Jaleh, H Becker, P Zhao, M Raubal
AGILE: GIScience Series 1, 2, 2020
Visual Analysis of Spatio‐temporal Phenomena with 1D Projections
M Franke, H Martin, S Koch, K Kurzhals
Computer Graphics Forum 40 (3), 335-347, 2021
Traffic4cast-Traffic Map Movie Forecasting--Team MIE-Lab
H Martin, Y Hong, D Bucher, C Rupprecht, R Buffat
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.13824, 2019
A Clustering-Based Framework for Understanding Individuals’ Travel Mode Choice Behavior
P Zhao, D Bucher, H Martin, M Raubal
22nd Conference on Geographic Information Science (AGILE 2019), Limassol …, 2019
Conserved quantities in human mobility: From locations to trips
Y Hong, H Martin, Y Xin, D Bucher, DJ Reck, KW Axhausen, M Raubal
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 146, 103979, 2023
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