Mariela Gantchoff
Mariela Gantchoff
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Host–parasite coevolution beyond the nestling stage? Mimicry of host fledglings by the specialist screaming cowbird
MC De Mársico, MG Gantchoff, JC Reboreda
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1742), 3401-3408, 2012
Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns
MA Tucker, AM Schipper, TSF Adams, N Attias, T Avgar, NL Babic, ...
Science 380 (6649), 1059-1064, 2023
Regional connectivity for recolonizing American black bears (Ursus americanus) in southcentral USA
MG Gantchoff, JL Belant
Biological conservation 214, 66-75, 2017
Microhabitat nest cover effect on nest survival of the Red-crested Cardinal
LN Segura, DA Masson, MG Gantchoff
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124 (3), 506-512, 2012
Mortality of a large wide-ranging mammal largely caused by anthropogenic activities
MG Gantchoff, JE Hill, KF Kellner, NL Fowler, TR Petroelje, L Conlee, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 8498, 2020
Anthropogenic and environmental effects on invasive mammal distribution in northern Patagonia, Argentina
MG Gantchoff, JL Belant
Mammalian Biology 80, 54-58, 2015
“When the felid’s away, the mesocarnivores play”: seasonal temporal segregation in a neotropical carnivore guild
SP Finnegan, MG Gantchoff, JE Hill, L Silveira, NM Tôrres, AT Jácomo, ...
Mammalian Biology 101 (5), 631-638, 2021
Planning for carnivore recolonization by mapping sex-specific landscape connectivity
G Mariela, C Laura, JL Belant
Global ecology and conservation 21, e00869, 2020
Patterns of coexistence between two mesocarnivores in northern P atagonia in the presence of invasive hares and anthropogenic disturbance
MG Gantchoff, JL Belant
Austral Ecology 41 (1), 97-105, 2016
Identifying potential gray wolf habitat and connectivity in the eastern USA
M Van den Bosch, DE Beyer Jr, JD Erb, MG Gantchoff, KF Kellner, ...
Biological Conservation 273, 109708, 2022
Using habitat suitability and landscape connectivity in the spatial prioritization of public outreach and management during carnivore recolonization
MR Boudreau, MG Gantchoff, C Ramirez‐Reyes, L Conlee, JL Belant, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (3), 757-767, 2022
Conservation implications of sex‐specific landscape suitability for a large generalist carnivore
M Gantchoff, L Conlee, J Belant
Diversity and Distributions 25 (9), 1488-1496, 2019
Factors influencing exotic species richness in Argentina’s national parks
MG Gantchoff, CM Wilton, JL Belant
PeerJ 6, e5514, 2018
Reproductive class influences risk tolerance during denning and spring for American black bears (Ursus americanus)
MG Gantchoff, D Beyer, JL Belant
Ecosphere 10 (4), e02705, 2019
Potential distribution and connectivity for recolonizing cougars in the Great Lakes region, USA
MG Gantchoff, JD Erb, DM MacFarland, DC Norton, JLP Tack, BJ Roell, ...
Biological Conservation 257, 109144, 2021
Scale‐dependent home range optimality for a solitary omnivore
M Gantchoff, G Wang, D Beyer, J Belant
Ecology and evolution 8 (23), 12271-12282, 2018
Occurrence of invasive mammals in southern Nahuel Huapi National Park
MG Gantchoff, JL Belant, DA Masson
Studies on neotropical fauna and environment 48 (3), 175-182, 2013
Distribution model transferability for a wide-ranging species, the Gray Wolf
MG Gantchoff, DE Beyer Jr, JD Erb, DM MacFarland, DC Norton, BJ Roell, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 13556, 2022
Quantifying anthropogenic wolf mortality in relation to hunting regulations and landscape attributes across North America
JE Hill, HM Boone, MG Gantchoff, TM Kautz, KF Kellner, EK Orning, ...
Ecology and evolution 12 (5), e8875, 2022
Small carnivore introductions: ecological and biological correlates of success
MG Gantchoff, NS Libal, JL Belant
Small Carnivores: Evolution, Ecology, Behaviour, and Conservation, 429-469, 2022
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